Nothing Great about Britain

That United were the better team in the first half last Sunday. Debatable but hardly a sacking offence imo.



Also, what happened to @PauloMaldini?

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For the talk about Lineker’s speech and his right to his own opinions etc. Which of course he is. There’s very little scrutiny of the topic he was actually talking about.

Suella Braverman is not a person to be taking seriously. Like many other of her party collogues she is miles out of her depth. But in her vaunted position she now has been given a platform. A very prominent platform. As a senior minister of what is supposed to be be a serious Country, her language around refugees is indeed eerily reminiscent of Germany in the 1930’s. Lineker is right.

With both the language and policy she and her Tory chums churn out, they seek to marginalise and criminalise a very vulnerable section of society.


I’m sure gary is shitting himself…(knock yourself out lads…)

The football hooligans and national front crew from the 70s and 80s are a base for ukip which has taken over the tories.

The bootlicking welch went along with it

A parcel of rogues in another nation.


strong text[quote=“Keadyshouldhaveplayedin89, post:724, topic:17403, full:true”]
For the talk about Lineker’s speech and his right to his own opinions etc. Which of course he is. There’s very little scrutiny of the topic he was actually talking about.

Suella Braverman is not a person to be taking seriously. Like many other of her party collogues she is miles out of her depth. But in her vaunted position she now has been given a platform. A very prominent platform. As a senior minister of what is supposed to be be a serious Country, her language around refugees is indeed eerily reminiscent of Germany in the 1930’s. Lineker is right.

With both the language and policy she and her Tory chums churn out, they seek to marginalise and criminalise a very vulnerable section of society.

My case in point

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Jesus he looks fierce shook.

Probably the stress of worrying could he be the latest Russian asset thrown out of a window in the middle of the night.

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I’d say he views balconies the same way Tipp view back to back All Ireland’s.


What has that to do with immigants?

Interesting how this Daily Telegraph columnist makes a point of targeting Steve Wilson, who wouldn’t be anywhere near the most prominent name associated with the programme. Its blatantly obvious it’s because Wilson has been vocal about how Liverpool supporters were smeared by the Tory media after Hillsborough and about how Hillsborough was a massive institutional cover up.

Daily Telegraph writers hate that sort of truth.

And I or anybody else would only need one guess to know why this fella goes after Garth Crooks, who I haven’t even seen on television in years.

This brought back incredible memories of my youth. I got emotional listening to it.

Aren’t you still in school?


You’d think after the Rashford argle bargle that the tory scum would have more sense :rofl:


Dan speaks sense


One aspect of the public debate around this I find fascinating is how some Tory supporting Jews seem to want to clamp down on any reference to 1930s Germany unless they approve it themselves.

Yet some of them saw fit to make utterly ludicrous comparisons between Jeremy Corbyn and Nazism. While remaining silent while Tories like Jacob Rees-Mogg and Michael Gove engaged in disgusting, prima facie anti-Semitism.

Jews were obviously the victims of the greatest historical outrage in history during World War II, but they were far from the only victims, and they do not have exclusive rights on deciding what is or what is not legitimate public debate, especially when they are so obviously doing so in service to the Tory party.

A good example of such mind-bending hypocrisy and stupidity here.

Yet the same person sees fit to go on the openly far right GB News and completely contradict herself compared to her previous statement.

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