November Rugby Internationals (aka Kev - "Should BOD be dropped?")

You’re just being silly now, the dogs in the street know that we’re second best in the world now and the age profile won’t change that.

Jesus, it must be killing ye :smile:

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its fucking killing them that we have a proper world class 32 county Irish team with Irish players

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It’s great entertainment… We’ve heard this guff before the last two world cups, months of hype only to fall flat when the heat was turned up. That won’t change this time either.

Stander and aki our two best players last night

South Africa and Tonga are the 33rd and 34th counties

Never before


The soccer crowd here are just seething. I see Smithers was on at 1.20am this morning bleating about how Eire soccer have beaten the World Champions regularly as well. The success of the Ireland rugby team is driving him so demented, he can’t sleep.

I make that 8 wins for Ireland over the Rugby World Cup winners since 2002.


Smithers above in Malahide RFC then giving it big licks quoting your stats at his chums in the bar

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its killing the gga set that we won last night

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What a morning it must be for you

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big time, this is up there with when I saw the lions beat australia


You’ve nailed your colours to the mast. Go back to Shamrock Rovers and Eire soccer.

I came onboard during the 6 nations mate

im sorry if my love for the irish rugby team somehow ruins it a bit for you but get used to it


1989 or 2013 ?

2013 mate - lang park

I was actually supporting Australia on the day but looking back on it now I retrospectively was supporting the loins


Did you? Welcome aboard. Great to have you in the camp.

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thanks mate, im glad the scummy soccer crowd aren’t seeing any infighting

We’ll have every last one of them converted by the time we win the World Cup next year. Including @anon61878697.