November Rugby Internationals (aka Kev - "Should BOD be dropped?")

I’d rather cut off my balls and pull out my eyeballs.

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The notion of a 32 county team working together and making a success of something doesn’t seem to sit right with you at all.
Thats actually common enough with pretend ira we want our 6 counties back halfwits, which is really fascinating to people like me.


Pools of salty tears all over the place this morning. :smile:


It eats him up inside.

Peader Tobin would want to watch his back.

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Knock in to the Saudi Arabian embassy, they’ll sort you out.

I fully support the hockey teams. I fully support a basketball team, boxing Olympic team, cricket team even a dungeons and dragons team… So your point is moot you hideous looking aids ridden cunt.

Take a bow Andy Farrell.

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great picture mate if it wasn’t an advertisement

I’ve no problem with that mate. I’m just bursting my hole at the hype over a friendly and the usual suspects thinking they are driving lads mad :smile:

What hype? You’ve 45 posts in the thread, probably 20+ in the last 24hrs :smile:


That’s not bad in a 2.5 k thread.

It’s amazing.

You’re really hurting here, mate. Keep lashing out here, best keep that anger online.

That win just took 20,000 kids away from the gaa.

Now is time for level heads. Great and all as that win was we saw yesterday how dangerous Scotland are, and how Japan are building nicely. The pool will be v tough

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There’s real depth in international rugby at the moment. The World Cup is a bit of a novelty when it comes around every 4 years but in 2019 like every year the Number 1 priority is the Championship. England first up at Lansdowne Road on 2 February.


Great for the country. There was a huge crowd in the pub yesterday evening to watch this. I shushed one of the lads for a kick and got a nod of approval from the resident rugby expert.


Signing in.

We have to win it next year. Anything else is abject failure.

Marmion is a top, top player and should be starting ahead of that prick Murray.

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Great analysis Coat Tails Tugger.

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