November Rugby Internationals (aka Kev - "Should BOD be dropped?")

Joey, great for Irish rugby that he left and joined Munster. #RugbyFamily.


NZ will be seething they developed him

in your face NZ

Great banter here.


The only disappointing thing for me was an incident that happened post match - the Irish players gathered in a huddle and appeared to do a piss take of the haka.

Rugby is better than that, it’s all about values. Disappointing to see the apparent goading of a gallant, heroic and brave New Zealand team.

I’ve been tagged all over the place by the usual suspects… You’d think they’d just enjoy their historic win … It’s very unsettling truth be told.

It was a competitive fixture.

I mention a 32 county team in the context of a week of Brexit etc. It’s something that I’m proud of and I’m proud of it in other sports too.

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Churlish. This cynical posturing to impress some of your e-buddies is not the real you. I feel there’s a better mouse deep inside.

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Unreal. A real freshness and sharpness to it.


It’s not stale at all

It’s gas the RA lads laughing at a Rugby Game where ranking points are awarded.
When the Soccer crowd gave up friendly for another League they were relegated immediately. :smile:


Murray performs better with Zebo behind him.

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You must be having great craic in the US

Hes the poor mans Ewan mcKenna

aren’t you a diehard arsenal fan?

what does this mean?

Jesus they are still at it :smile: a game of rubby has utterly destroyed a few lads weekend.


Ranking points are awarded for soccer friendlies too you simpleton

They’re still friendlies

Dodgy is a real innovator of his schtick, aping TSG at every juncture. :grinning:

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No such thing as a friendly in international rugby. They’re test matches.