NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

What just happened there?


Clearly rocko is asleep at the wheel.
It was an article saying 15% of pregnant women in new York tested positive for the virus, but showed few symptoms

Bitches be crazy man.

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Experience bates science every time

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I saw some argument that women have better immune systems than men. It’s why men are over represented in deaths

They’re a bad outfit. Less you have to do with them the better. Mothers apart obviously.

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If the Santa Clara study is to be believed, only 1-2% of those who get infected bother going to get tested. There’s something very odd about this virus that among reasonably healthy people most have mild or no symptoms, but a subset are getting extremely sick.

Those Chinese lads are deadly men for designing a virus. Who knows who they’re going after.

They went after the Italians fairly hard anyway. Probably still upset at them pretending to invent noodles.


There’s hardly a piazza in lombardy they dont have a foothold in. You can buy a few bars in historic locations for the price of a ming vase, aspirational purchases that have raised eyebrows and caused some resentment. It’ll be interesting to see the aftermath in northern italy.


Blood type?
Some blood types like AB have higher inflammatory risks. Others like O are more susceptible to getting cancer.
I’m sure it has some relevance.

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Yes, a study from China claims that type A is more susceptible than other blood types. As in significantly higher risk, and type O significantly lower.

So where would that leave AO?
I’m not sure but I think that is the commonest type?

Somewhere in the middle, not too bad.

Truth. Transparency. Communication. Fuck 'em.

A litany of hubris and incompetence:

Coronavirus: 38 days when Britain sleepwalked into disaster

Boris Johnson skipped five Cobra meetings on the virus, calls to order protective gear were ignored and scientists’ warnings fell on deaf ears. Failings in February may have cost thousands of lives

During the 1918 (not 1917 pandemic per Trump) pregnant woman were badly effected as their immune systems over reacted to that virus. From what I’ve read .

No easy answers with this amateur virology carry on.

If only world leaders were logged on to TFK in January they wouldn’t have been led astray by the experts.