NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Was out for a walk with the missus last weekend up around Stephens green. Overheard a woman say to her male walking companion that it was great to finally speak in person. They were maintaining adequate social distance. I found it a bit odd truth be told. Is this common carry on these days?

888 deaths confirmed in UK Hospitals.

I would happily risk death for the ride but my housemate wouldn’t tolerate it.

Is that the crazy Italian? Did she have the virus in the end?

She’s on the blob as well today

Godwin’s Law alert!

Are there any parallels to be drawn between Trump’s mobilisation of this armed-to-the-teeth anti-lockdown movement after being told he couldn’t tell states what to do and Hitler’s Brownshirts?

I think when she said “it’s not happening, period”, you may have misunderstood.


Yes the analogy is clear and obvious. We can only pray the American people stand up to him like the Irish people stood up to the blueshirts

The creator of Godwin’s Law has himself said that it doesn’t apply to any discussion about Trump.

Fired off some potshots yesterday at Trump supporters on YouTube etc and you’re wasting your time trying to reason or debate with them. They’re a different breed in America and they love their civil liberty this , civil rights that. The only crowd mad enough to cause chaos during a lockdown are Trump voters.

“Science is regarded as a lefty plot.”

Historian Simon Schama says that much of society’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic depends “on the willingness of politicians to listen to science”, but that it isn’t happening in the US.

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Cuomo looking more presidential by the day

‘There is now no excuse when the question comes up for marraige, you can do it on zoom’

Mandatory mask wearing implemented here when in public areas, shops, public transport. A good move imo and one that should hasten getting back to semi-normal.

Any auld mask will do?

Yes, bandanas, balaclavas, an old rag, anything.

I’ll have to get a green and white one made up for Croker

FFG take note

Doesn’t a woman’s immune system become suppressed during pregnancy?