NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

When you have health care workers, standing in the street, and people screaming in their faces, well you’re on a different level of crazy. People are of course seeing livliehoods going down the drain, but the fact that they can’t or won’t see a bigger picture is enough in itself.

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This is a beauty


I saw some interviews with them earlier. One said they needed to reopen all businesses immediately because they needed haircuts. :grinning:

Tis uppercuts those cunts need, not haircuts. It’d be a good day if coronavirus wiped out every last one of the fuckers.


@labane1917 is going to go nuts at this.

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He has an awful grá for that big old scutter-arse, Trump.

No, no, no, he’s a moderate Democrat. Yeah.

2020 could be the year when astro-turfing becomes a buzzword. I’ve been using it for over a decade. Lovely to be ahead of the curve.

Someone on Reddit figured out that all the “re-open the economy” websites were created on the same day by the same guy in Jacksonville, FL.… This is an astroturfing campaign. Google astroturfing. H/t


Tobias Ellwood just blithely stated on C4 News that Germany is “counting its deaths in a very different way” to the UK and that that’s the reason they have lower death figures. I’m pretty sure that’s a straight up lie.

Actually Andrew Neil of all people had a thread on this a few weeks back.

I have investigated further how Germany records Covid-19 deaths and concluded its methodology does NOT explain lower level of German Covid-19 fatalities. In previous tweets I suggested international comparisons eg with UK, might not be comparing apples with apples. But we are.

The Robert Koch Institute, responsible for the official recording of deaths in Germany, says it “considers someone to be a corona death in which a corona infection was proven.” In practice this means the RKI counts as corona deaths ALL deaths associated with Covid-19.

Includes all who died from Covid-19. But also all those with underlying health problems infected by Covid-19 but for whom it’s not possible to say what killed them. Finally, those not tested before death but suspected of Covid-19 are tested post-death. Infected = Covid-19 death

So RKI method counts anyone infected with Covid-19 who dies as a Covid-19 death regardless of whether the virus killed them directly or from underlying severe illness made worse by the virus.

That is pretty much how deaths are counted in the UK. So we are comparing apples with apples. There are reasons for the lower German death toll, including, probably, extensive testing. But different methodology is not an explanation.

This cunt

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Fucking lunatic. Georgia had 790 cases and 52 deaths today. This is a guy who only became aware there was such a thing as asymptomatic transmission on April Fools’ Day.

Due to favorable data & more testing, gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, cosmetologists, hair designers, nail care artists, estheticians, their respective schools & massage therapists can reopen Friday, April 24 with Minimum Basic Operations. #gapol

He loves his protection rackets does Don.

A second anti-body study conducted in LA county with very similar results to the Santa Clara study. A sample size of 863 adults found that 4.1% tested positive for the COVID-19 antibodies. Taking the margin of error into account this gives a range of 221K to 442K out of a population of 10 million. LA county has had 13,816 confirmed cases and 617 deaths, which suggests only 4% present for testing and the mortality rate is 0.1-0.2%.

Which again begs the question, why is the death rate so high in New York, northern Italy, Spain, etc. Even if 10% of the population of New York city were infected, that’s a mortality rate of 1.5%.

They must be dying from something else but having COVID-19 at the time of death also. Otherwise the figures dont make sense.

If we accept the data from these two anti-body studies in California, 94-97% of people who get infected have no symptoms or mild enough that they don’t even get tested. California has 1,073 deaths in a population of 39 million, or 27.5 deaths per million. New York state has 13,869 deaths or 713 deaths per million, the highest of any area in the world, roughly double the rate in Italy and Spain.

It makes no sense, even if you assume a much higher percentage of the population got infected in New York. Must be the exposure to sunlight.

New York are doing one this week. Results of that will be very interesting.



The UK is a failed society

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Nice to see Tom Humphreys weigh in there as well.