NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I guess is that it is a lot higher in those places?

Certainly some of the ranges Imperial (I know I know) had just a few weeks ago was 41% upwards alone for Spain.

Was talking to a mate of mine who runs a bar in ny. He said the word and belief on the ground there is at least twice more people are infected than what’s been reported. They are duking the stats as they’d say in the wire- his words

Where did you get this from?

I reckon we all have it.

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Some pissed up bar fly told him?

In his closed bar is it? Poor fecker is selling take away delivery Friday to Sunday to half pay his rent. His whole life savings will be gone.

Who told him?

Jimmy Hoffa

I’d say it’s more like 5X or higher, if LA is 4%.

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This is nice

The imperial college :clap:

£625 for them to test a vaccine on you, and they after inventing it a few weeks ago. You’d want more than your head examined


But last years J1 students got the payment if they had retained a US bank account. Also nice of the Don to float the Irish economy

“The farmers have been treated dreadfully when it comes to the Internet”

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Did they have to apply for it?

No, I’d say if the US Treasury made that distinction they wouldn’t have got it. Stimulus checks were only supposed to go to people who filed taxes in 2018 and/or 2019. I can’t imagine many Irish J1 students filed taxes in the US.

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Tony Blair on the case