NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The dark north

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Loonies seem to think that the lockdown was implemented to infringe on personal freedom rather than protecting the health system from collapsing.

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It hasn’t collapsed despite all the doom merchants. Open it up ta fuck

The point they’re trying to make is that it hasn’t collapsed because of the lockdown. Lookit, all the old racist tans voted for Boris and now he’s killing them all. If they want to open it up then there’s probably no talking to them. Their arrogance knows no bounds.


There is 4000 beds in the nightingale hospital at the excel and half of them are empty, the whole thing is a cod

This place?

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thats it

The Office for National Statistics said there were 18,500 deaths in the week up to 10 April - about 8,000 more than is normal at this time of year.

All those grey voters that voted Boris must be kicking themselves now.

edit… if they’re still alive.

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To be fair it was prudent to open it just in case, especially seeing what had happened in Italy at the time they were making the decisions

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a load of money down the drain

Better dead than red it would seem


When all that money saved from leaving the EU comes back it’ll be chump change

this whole thing is a cod, there was a big song and dance when the were looking for 300,000 volunteers for the NHS and they got 700,000, a few weeks later and hardly anyone has been called up to do anything like deliver food and medicine to the elderly, its a bloody cod

It was about raising moral at the time surely?

Yes it’s true. She’s not as prone to hyperbole as most. In fact, she’s not prone to it at all without half a pint of gin on board.


I’m actually on the side of opening things up. Mandatory face masks in public, and social distancing, but after that, I think lockdown has limited further benefit.


The capacity is there now to deal with it, the peak has passed, time to get moving