NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

People in nursing homes will probably have got the flu shot.

Also, a lot of cases of the flu won’t be recorded in death.

Also the % rate is on a whole population basis. so it varies. I think the debate at the moment is the true rate. We have a CFR of 2% on the most complete datasets in South Korea and the Diamond Princess and some IFR’s of 0.1% up towards 0.4% on some of the serology tests completed so far. Both would seem to have quite big drawbacks. I’ve seen some academic criticisms of the Santa Clara/LA studies but haven’t seen any on the German studies, open to correction. With the DP the age skewed a good bit older whilst in South Korea, whilst their early testing was relatively rigorous, it still missed a lot of people with symptoms and no chance it caught asymptomatic carriers.

You would imagine that the IFR would vary from country to country anyway given risk factors (age demographics, obesity etc) and even the social order make up. On the latter, there are lots of early suggestions that Italy was hit hard because of the inter generational living. There are suggestions that Denmark has avoided deaths due to having a lot of home care over nursing homes, which may protect at risk groups, where as Sweden has large nursing homes. That’s before we get into the wonderful world of quinine, vitamin D exposure and our beloved BCG.

What are you trying to argue here?

not everything is an argument. I made a suggestion. You’re cribbing for a fight. How is it irrational?

You’re not telling us Fiona second that an ordinarybflu could have done that to Italy, or that’s what life would be like if old people didn’t get the flu jab

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I’m just wondering to what end?

Sorry I can’t follow what you’re saying here.

You’ve no idea of that because everyone in the nursing home doesn’t normally get the flu. This is just super contagious vs the flu

When was the last time a PM had to go to hospital with flu?

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So you’re all in agreement lads.

So it’s not the same as the ordinary flu then?


I would like to have replied to your post but cant access the direct reply function as @rocko broke the site again, probably in frustration.

Are you serious about coughing up bits of lung?

If you go to and leave all options checked, does the reply button work then?

It certainly isn’t given the hospitalisations.

The PM of Tonga died in 2018 of pneumonia, close enough!

I’m out and about all the time now, just practice good hygiene and this thing will run its course, this thing is totally overeggged, the weather is gorgeous, people should be outside enjoying it

The Council here have taken the chains off the gates and opened up the local parks again today, its put a real bounce in the step of the towns residents. It wasn’t something they were considering doing even 1 week ago but the horrific stories of the pressures residents were under has made them do a complete u-turn.

My advice is to get the hell out and start living yer lives, enough of this lock it down nonsense

Where are you based?

The only park closed in Dublin seems to be St Stephens Green

It’s different for all sorts, Iv seen many a donkey living life to the full in a donkey sanctuary but iv never seen a lion realising its full potential in a zoo.