NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s not a counter argument on overall mortality, as we have no idea how many people have been infected in Northern Italy, Spain or the UK.

What we can say with some certainty is that COVID-19 has a high mortality rate for the elderly and others with underlying health conditions. Letting a very contagious virus run rampant through society for 1-2 months with no effort to protect the vulnerable is resulting in a lot of deaths in a short period.

I have it on good authority that twenty five million have it in the UK, the strategy is working

Yes. These are the people that the Brexiteers want rid of. And here they are giving their lives to save British people. Boris included.

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Take two towns with 100 people. One gets covid 19 the other one gets flu. Covid 19 is more virulent and 50% get it. 5 die. Flu less contagious at 10%. One dies. Both have the same mortality rate. Using mortality rate to compare the two viruses makes it look like they’re the same. They’re clearly not.

Interesting piece on five live the other with Emma Barnet suggesting socio economic reasons are behind the high BAME death toll

Not allowing children outside for a month. That is not right.


its a war crime

No. That’s just wrong

Virulence refers to the severity of the disease, not to how infectious the virus is. I understand the point you are trying to make, but the evidence we have (admittedly limited) is that the virulence is low or very low in most people who get infected (85-95%), but very high in some people. Which is one of the biggest challenges, as such a high % of infected people are asymptomatic, but can transmit the virus.

this lad hasn’t a monkeys, he’s like that Dr Tony lad in Ireland who some ejits think is some sort of saint


Am I right in thinking g theres a lot more unrest over there than here? Sir Keir seems to be stepping on a few toes and stirring g it slowly

if it was up to these gobshites like Holohan and Witty we’ll be living in a cell for the next 2 years, you might as kill yourself

the public support is waning, this was always going to happen, we’ve had enough of this nonsense now and want to get back to work and living properly


Some amount of shit being talked on this thread. An old person with Covid 19 is more likely to die than an old person with regular flu, everyone knows that. There are rest homes in Monaghan that have been absolutely gutted, a dozen odd deaths in the past few weeks. The German death toll is far lower than everywhere else anyway. Shove your statistics up your hole, some lads making a show I’d themselves.

Is that justification for shutting down entire countries for months on end?

And if so, why not previously, when old people were being killed in thousands via flu/pneumonia? Did it not matter then but it matters now because it’s COVID? There’s a lack of logic in your line of reasoning.

30 odd thousand have died from flu/pneumonia this year in the UK which I guess is representative of prior years. Why wasn’t there a shutdown of this magnitude to prevent those deaths?


The number of people dying because of COVID-19 is getting very little attention, the people who are not being treated or cannot be treated for other conditions.

More evidence that the virus was circulating much earlier than thought. Two deaths from early February in Califiornia, two people who had no travel history, so must have picked it up in early to Mid January.

Breda on Facebook will be vindicated yet