NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Dont leave us hanging like that?


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It’s a pity Ireland didn’t qualify for Russia 2016. Putin would have taken care of the shoes off brigade.

30,000 dead in Italy is a lot scarier than 69,000 dead in US.

Fucking hell. Putin is rattled. They’ll turn on him yet.

2018 :wink:


@Tassotti 's not in London. He’s up in some hovel in Clare, just after his release from prison. Don’t mind him.

Pubs were packed they were?

Nope the pubs are closed bar one or two that are doing takeaway grub. Collins in adare for example.

One would wonder whether Kelly is bright enough to dress herself.
No social distancing on crowded plane shocker.

The modelers at University of Washington have upped the midpoint of US deaths by August 4th to 134K from their current 74K. I honestly don’t think they have a notion now either. Obviously with almost 70k dead already, their 74k needed updating, but I’m losing faith in their abilities. Basically they are just reacting to past data, their projections have all been way off.

Just to examine their short term model, they projected 2,265 deaths for yesterday and we had 1,153 and they projected 2,205 for today and we had 1,102. We’re supposed to take their August 4th projection seriously, but they can’t get the projections for 2 days out remotely correct. No thanks.

Their current projection for the UK is 40,555 and for Ireland 1,698. It was only a few weeks ago they were projecting 400 deaths for Ireland.

Have any projections from anywhere even been close?

Not even close. The only numbers that you can rely on a bit are the actual number of deaths reported, and even with those there’s a big variation between countries with some reporting only confirmed COVID deaths and others including probable COVID deaths.

The deaths are coming down, in Italy and Spain and now the UK from 1,000 a day to a 200-300 hundred a day, in the US from 2,000 to 1,000 a day. The big test will be in 2-3 weeks to see if there’s an uptick as restrictions gets eased.


Science has failed us in other words

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It’s very weak science, proper science is based on actual data. Without real data, science is flying blind. Models are only as good as their assumptions, and most of our assumptions have been wrong so far, we may still be missing the most important information regarding this virus, as in why it doesn’t bother young people.

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A big win for God