NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I can only see one winner in Europe. The UK has the Wops beaten up a stick. 32 thousand plus up until the 24th of April. Boris you have blood on your hands.

Et finalment…
Le Royaume-Uni Douze points

We haven’t seen days like this since Bucks Fizz were ripping their skirts off. Rule Britannia,

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And not even just the UK, but England specifically. Scotland and NI who had some degree of autonomy in their decision making in the weeks leading up to mid march have fared far better than England who were soley reliant on Boris The Butcher.

Only blue blood counts with Boris mate. Just relax and accept.

Sexist Handcock in hot water today

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They’re all running for shelter over there now

It’s grand they’ll clap for the NHS again on Thursday night. Who needs PPE when you can have applause


It a big pissing contest every Thursday, I played Spancill hill on my tin whistle last Thursday at 8pm at the front door


Would you have ever played at the willie Clancy festival?

Now that you mention is I assume it has also falling victim to this virus

Boris the butcher, Boris the buffoon.

The tans were laughing at Italy and Spain a couple of weeks ago. To paraphrase Nigel Farage in the European parlaiment, They’re not laughing anymore

They’ve wiped out the generation that beat the Nazis in three weeks.

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On the plus side. Big savings on care and pension Bills

The greatest wum that ever lived

I read that first as “severed” and was nodding along in agreement.


No social distancing taking place - one passenger told me they weren’t given any advice on how to keep themselves safe.

No social distancing taking place? Oh my lands. That’s tantamount to biological terrorism. Lock them up! Are these gowls for real? Here’s some advice on how to keep yourself safe: stop being such a pussy.