NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

He’s definitely the greatest cunt that ever lived anyway.

Matty Hancock there on sky news looking decidedly uncomfortable

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My goodness, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is a breath of fresh air.

Dumbfuck Jim Acosta now arguing on CNN that because the president gets tested regularly, every American should be tested regularly. These people are simply batshit crazy.

She shooooore is… you dawg

This what the lads in Sweden, who are disciples of Horny Ferguson, had estimated a month ago for the number of deaths by early May if Sweden did not implement a lockdown. 40k deaths by now, the actual is less than 3K. Ireland with 7 weeks of lockdown has the same number of deaths adjusted for population. Game over.


It’s absolutely remarkable that you can get more deaths by taking some measures like closing schools and businesses than doing nothing. These lads are Nobel prize material.

Round these clowns up now and jail them for incompetence. The lockdown stooges have some egg on their faces now

The cunts are dreaming about books being written crediting them for saving the world, when the reality is history will judge them very unkindly. The lad who was warning us we need to put our fingers in the dyke (that would have been a better option for him, the stupid cunt) to prevent a disaster, was off riding his mistress during the lockdown he caused.

Even in the UK, you couldn’t make it up.


Boris is putting an end to this farce on Sunday

Rishi Sunak is putting an end to the furlough scheme too, he’s had enough of wasters sitting at home watching netflix and scratching themselves at the governmemts expense, he’s said lads are addicted to it and getting too comfortable, you’d never get that in Ireland

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The US is leading the way, most states are saying fuck it, let’s get back to work. The media throwing a hissy fit, but fuck them. We need to get things moving before total disaster sets in. It’s not far away.


DR Cervical Check and his cronies have driven Ireland back into the 1930’s, they have the general public driven demented with hysteria, they are fucking criminals, its too late for Ireland now, the country is completely finished economically, they have driven the country off a cliff. A tiny nation dependant of tourism. It is a bad place for suicide already, the next five years will be horrific

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I must say you have been a voice of reason during this debacle. We are very lucky you came back to steer the ship during this tumultuous period. A lot of lads losing their shit, even some previous stalwarts of the forum. This type of event sorts the wheat from the chaff.

You can see why the British easily ruled Ireland for 800 years with two drunkards in Dublin castle armed with sticks, put a suit on some lad to make him look official and paddy will do what he is told


The Brits are flattening the wrong curve

And they hope to be testing up to 200k by the end of May.

They actually have said they want to have “capacity” to do 200k tests a day. As in it’s technically possibly if necessary. A pure cod

They’ll be flat out posting out tests in the last week of May.

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Reports this morning suggest that on Sunday, Boris will announce his plan to bring the UK out of lockdown. The last stage beginning in October.

It seems that they want to get schools open in June for a few weeks before they shut again in July for the summer. Note the exams are also cancelled. Surely it must have clicked with someone that opening the schools for a few weeks is an unnecessary risk with regards spreading the virus to children and teachers.

They need the kids to get it fast for herd immunity. Safest group to spread it among.
Anyway they never closed in Sweden and it doesn’t seem to have made any odds.

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