NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I see.

cc @BruidheanChaorthainn

Should we open the Gaeltachts lads?


That still wouldn’t balance the books so to speak regardless Irelands measures have reduced deaths in the younger population comparatively.
Even beyond that comparing Sweden with other Nordic countries is a far better barometer of how their conflicting measures have been successful or not.

Educate yourself pony boy.

Again an insult. Why did you tag me? It has no relevance to me or anything I’ve posted. You are incredibly dim.

How many it total for both?

You want schools open to spread this you gom.

Send them all back their for Ceili Covid

Herd immunity is the only way forward in the near term. There isn’t an alternative.

Opening the schools for a month ( June ) is a great idea alright.

It is

Primary Schools are open in Sweden. Upper schools are closed but again you can’t compare Sweden to the Uk. Sweden had a totally different approach to the uk so there is no comparison. I didn’t say I wanted schools open now either I said it was a smart idea for schools to reopen in June for a few weeks to test the water. You really are an idiot.

Primary schools always remained open in Sweden.

Explain the differences between Sweden & the UK for us all there. ( no copy & paste please ).

:joy::joy: Sweden didn’t go in to full lockdown would be the main difference id imagine??

6% of total for Sweden ; 3% of total for Ireland.

Okay, you don’t know.

Toddle along.

Have you lost your mind?

Latest studies are showing that children are as infectious as adults. There’s also cases of children getting a side effect of the virus where they need intensive care. These have happened in Italy, France, UK , New York.

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