NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Schools have been opened all this time. Albeit with reduced intake. Personally, it’s madness as you can’t get children to social distance, staff won’t be provided with PPE and it increases the chances of children spreading it to their family. A lot of children are brought up by grand parents over here. I’ve at least 4 in my class who are. The grandparents are naturally shitting it and have said they won’t be sending kids back. Which is fair enough but you’ve that creep Hancock saying families will be fined if children are absent. What he forgets is that schools have to process these and I doubt any school will put them through.


Give the total, absolute numbers - that gives the reference point in the magnitude of deaths v the measures taken v benefits of herd immunity.

If there were benefits to herd immunity why did the Tories implement a lockdown so soon after championing herd immunity?

They buckled to public/media pressure and the now disgraced Ferguson ‘models’.

Are you insinuating there are no benefits to herd immunity?

Are you saying herd immunity would have been successful in the UK only they were too cowardly to follow through on it?

Sweden 180
Ireland 39

Please note - Not a Eurovision score.



Deaths under 50 unfortunately.

The “6x the area to house them” is misleading as southern Sweden is roughly the same size as Ireland, and has all the densely populated metro areas. Stockholm has 1.5 million, Gothenburg 600K, Malmo 316K, Uppsala 160K, and five or six other urban centers north of 100K. North of Stockholm is sparely populated, similar to Norway and Finland.

The general rule worldwide is that urban centers are taking the brunt of this, the more densely packed the worse it is (New York/New Jersey 1,200 deaths per million) and rural areas are virtually untouched. There are 13 US states with less than 100 deaths, and four with less than 20.


don’t mind you facts and figures, simple simon says hold the line

Sweden have done NO LOCKDOWN either, just simple social distancing. By the LIDTF crowd’s logic, the country should be in ruins


You didn’t answer my question.

Yes the UK bowed to public pressure and were too cowardly to follow through.

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A couple of thousand have died and lads are tying themselves in knots trying to find percentages to show their relative demise. Tens of thousands should have died there based on what the LIDTF crew were hollering. Their hysteria is staring them in the face and they’re struggling to accept it.


Excellent (and short) article here from Sweden’s Professor Johan Giesecke, an actual Epidemiology scientist who’s spent his career studying infectious diseases, rather than a shit programmer. Compulsive reading for the lock it down foreva crowd.


Best post ive read on the whole matter. Well done mate.

I’d prefer a like than a reply, but thanks, mate.


Putting what common sense would suggest into words there.

The lockdown has not worked. There is no difference in deaths between countries that have and haven’t locked down. Aside from the very vulnerable, who should be recieving all of the protection and government assistance, we’ve spent all our money and destroyed our economy protecting everyone else.

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So Boris Johnson’s biggest mistake was not following through with herd immunity? I’ve heard a lot thrown at Johnson these last few months but I haven’t heard that one in fairness.

How do you explain why so many died in Britain?