NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

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If your cancer treatment is postponed at the moment and something really happened like you passed away or were too sick to start treatment will their be law suits against the state? Or what are the rules ?

Hospitals are taking patients who present themselves. Cancer treatments are back now for the most part I think. Some visits are being done as calls.

I heard in Ireland the world of operations have been cancelled. Again I don’t know if that’s true just curious to know what’ll be the fall out. In Germany things are running smoothly

@iron_mike had his op during lockdown I think? I know someone who had an op for something else three days ago.

I did. A neighbour of mine at home though had her operation moved from April until July in the beacon. So fuck knows what’s going on. I think I might have just gotten lucky as my issue was liver specific which as far as I know meant that I was under a team that just dealt with liver issues. This obviously gave me a better chance of beating the odds.


I Hope you are doing well mike.

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I’m flying kiddo. Thanks for asking. Under normal circumstances I should be getting the jersey ready for tomorrow but shur what can one do. I might make a few sandwiches all the same and do a "virtual " trip to Cork in the morning


that made me laugh :joy::joy: I’m watching the 2018 game away to cork now. That clown just picked on Graeme mul.

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They tried that before a couple of times. Didn’t go that well.

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They are running Europe . Their Supreme Court will be the real player now

Saw this on Twitter this morning for the US.


Is there a COVID payment in the USA

Paychecks protection plan. A lot of them earning more as dolies than if they were working

How many of those will be immediately back into employment once lock down is over?



That number is dependent on the weather staying fine so it’s not definite.

Only for rich people

Rich peoples are peoples too.