NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Anti Corbyn = pro Boris
Thats how it works bud
You have blood on your hands

Sweden had many policy failures but not locking their country down wasn’t one of them

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You compared Belgian and UK figures to make a point even though anyone with even a basic knowledge knows the UK figures are understated. Then you put up a link that showed countries can measure numbers differently. Even though both were contradictory you used them to make separate points. It might not be intentional on your part but it’s still hypocrisy. Maybe there’s another word for unintentional hypocrisy?

Have Sweden or Denmark introduced border controls?

Sweden have not. Denmark introduced some, against the advice of their public health officials. They lifted some of them several weeks ago.

According to this Sweden have border controls in place?

You still didn’t answer my question.

I believe @anon7035031 and @Tim_Riggins have answered your simpletons take on lockdown v social distancing below.

What are you talking about? The UK introduced the lockdown and still thousands died. Ffs sake this is the whole point… protecting the vulnerable, old, infirm along with social distancing should/could have been implemented instead of lock it down ta fuck.

Not yet they haven’t. I’m asking questions here and they seem to be all over the place. I’m just waiting on them to say that UK fatalities would have been lower if they’d maintained the herd immunity approach and then I’ll ignore them like I’ll ignore you.

You mean physical borders? I thought you meant restrictions on entry. The Danes originally restricted entry to Danes and residents in March put have since lifted some of those restrictions. The Swedes just implemented the overall Schengen changes but you could still go in and out if in the EU, EEA, UK etc.

The physical border between the two dates back months I think.

Nobody is saying that the fatalities would have been lower through herd immunity in the short term. Is there actually any point in going through this with you? You seem a complete simpleton, incapable of holding more than one thought at once or processing even basic premises.

It will be interesting to see what comes out down the line country by country. I don’t think the UK’s density helps them but I’d also say that the flip flopping on the UK approach didn’t help either.

The point on Sweden is that it’s a baseline. The models forecasted 10s of thousands of deaths there in some scenarios, they haven’t had that. It’s therefore instructive to take guidance from their approach.

Don’t engage then buddy.

Nope, I’m not the one constantly talking about how badly a country is doing because you don’t like the politics of those in power. That would be you, and the other clowns on here and elsewhere who believe if only Corbyn were in power the UK would have much fewer deaths.

Italy have only counted hospital deaths, are they understating their numbers more than the UK? Germany are only counting deaths that have been confirmed with a COVID-19 diagnostic test (not counting probably due to COVID), are they understating their numbers more than the UK? Countries are doing things a little differently, but the death rates are starting to level out as each country goes through it’s curve. Densely populated countries and areas have high rate of deaths, sparsely populated low, it’s really as simple as that. Because the virus was circulating unimpeded for three months from December to March.

My main point, which you continue to evade as is usual for you, is that with the exception of Germany, all western countries made a balls of this, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths of vulnerable people who could have been saved. Not by lockdowns of hundreds of millions of healthy people, but by targeted measures that protect the vulnerable.

UK is far from locked down. Every construction site is back up and running bar housing.


It would have made no difference to the deaths in April as all those people were infected before the lockdown measures, just like in Ireland. The lockdown was understandable in March as nobody then had a clue how bad this was going to get. What has protected the vulnerable since March has been them self isolating and people who could be infected keeping away from them. That is sensible, as is social distancing, bans on gatherings, wearing masks to the store, etc.

It is not sensible to destroy whole economies with measures that don’t work and are now known to be unnecessary. The broad population does not need to be isolated when for 95% there are mild or no symptoms, and people are getting infected anyway, just at a reduced rate.

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You’ve been spreading a lot of mistruths. Not sure if deliberate.

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Give me an example.

TFK is great.

There are times when it gets a bit stale or whatever, but then you read lads addressing each other like this.


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