NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

@anon7035031 what’s the story with Obama? I see he is being accused of all sorts.

The don not in good form this evening

The Russians are opening it up and they right in the middle of it

It’s all related to the DOJ dropping charges against Michael Flynn. Obama weighed in over the weekend criticizing the decision, a very unusual move from a former president. It might suggest that Obama is worried where the investigation into the surveillance of Trump’s team is heading. Anyway, should get interesting but belongs in the US politics thread.

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Trump is after racially abusing some Chinese lady.

Car crash stuff. Twould be fierce entertaining if it wasn’t so serious. I wouldn’t say it was racial abuse though. It was more a pop off cnn than anything

Britain is broken

‘Foxier than Fox News’ This is the media in 2020, almost as bad as the UK rags

If they catch this person they should be in prison for life.

Sunak extenting the COVID payment until the end of October

Should be up for murder who he is the sick cunt

She appears to be implying that herd immunity advocates are blood thirsty psychopaths. Is she right?

No shes just using a crisis to shamelessly flaunt her own brand. Most unedifying

@anon7035031 I see the MLB serological study showed just 0.7% of employees have the relevant antibodies.

Fauci is at it too the shameless cunt.

Civil servant requests more time off shocker

Her reaction was actually that of any normal human being (with an extra dash of virtue signalling). That this resulted in her being hailed as a reincarnation of Gandhi is a reflection on the semi hysterical world of puff piece media we find ourselves in.