NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

SF Giants 0.0% :clap: :clap:

If it were up to he doctors lockdowns would continue until there is a safe effective vaccine in 2030.


People should be given the opportunity to contract this damn thing

627 deaths in the UK

I’m sure doctors know a long term lockdown is not economically viable. We’re only a few weeks in to this. People need to reamain calm and keep vigilant.

The coming Saturday will be 10 weeks for me and many others just as a point of note, mike.


The lazy brits are worse than the lazy micks for recording weekend deaths.

There numbers are very good. Lowest for six weeks when you factor in the lag.

Doctors know nothing about the economy, their focus is health. We are almost two months into this, not a few weeks. Slowly but surely every western country is realizing that Sweden’s approach is the correct one, and destruction of the economy in response to COVID-19 was not warranted.

The full impact of months of lockdowns hasn’t even been seen yet, and imo will be very ugly. The OECD have estimated that western economies are shrinking by 2% a month, that’s 1930s levels of contraction. The draconian measures taken to fight COVID-19 in time will be far more harmful than the virus itself.

Getting to herd immunity as safely as possible is the only way forward.


Ya excellent.
Only 600 odd dead. Stellar stuff.

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Compared to their other weekendd I should add. Lowest in six weeks.


Fuck LA

An economy can recover. Dead people don’t.


So stay at home should continue as long as there is the risk of any death from COVID-19? Do you truly believe this?

Lockdowns are not sustainable, arguably will do nothing to reduce overall Covid-19 deaths, but will result in many more deaths through untreated conditions and suicide.

If lockdowns are not saving lives why are so many countries doing it? Is there something you know that the experts don’t?

They are doing it mainly to save face, given they fucked things up so badly in the critical period from January to March. There are plenty of very intelligent people who believe lockdowns are unnecessary and in the longer term will cause far more deaths than COVID-19. Very few of them are politicians, but then again not many politicians are in the very intelligent category.

Countries started lockdowns because of the panic caused by the London Imperial College model which predicted millions of deaths in the US and half a million deaths in the UK. Sweden ran the IC model and it predicted 40 thousand deaths, they didn’t believe it and decided on no lockdown. They have 3,313 deaths, which is well below the death rate of Italy, Spain, France and the UK, and roughly the same as Ireland.

The evidence is overwhelming that countries who focused on travel restrictions, isolating the vulnerable, sensible social distancing, testing and quarantining sick people rather than healthy people have handed this the best by far.