NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

payback time


Is there any breakdown of the swedish numbers I relation to ethnicity. They took in more refugees than anywhere else in Europe. I’m willing to bet …

I love this bit.
“The message is: work from home if you can but travel to work if you can’t. And avoid public transport if you can, but use it if you can’t.”

Loose translation. If you are poor you are expendable


Tory donors threatened to pull the plug if Boris didn’t get the country back working. Bbc journalist told “business leaders” this week.
The government also thought the peak would be now so didn’t order PPE. Oh and Matt Hancock ballsed up in general.

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Matt Hancock is the archetypal chinless Tory wonder.

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a yes man

A creep. Himself,Raab and Williamson are like the 3 stooges.

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Starmer has the Tories worried if they have MPs trying to smear him on Twitter

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The Daily Mail article on him this morning was fairly pathetic. They can’t lay a finger on him :joy:

It really was. Johnson and the tory centre are terrified of him.

Lockdown my arse

No hiding under the bed here, asking the guards can you goto the shop

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The tans love going topless.

Gay lad checking me out here on the sly. Himself and the boyfriend having a picnic

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The most tragic thing about the article was the fact poor Harry Cole had to write it. Harry was Carrie Symonds boyfriend until she left him for Boris. That’s some way to have to try and make a living.

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Matt Hancock is startlingly stupid.

Cc @Tassotti

I’d say he was relieved that she found somewhere else to shove her funnel. She’s thick and venal in equal measure. She would be well advised as a professional kept woman to have a spare horse in the stable for when Boris bolts.
Alternatively, if Boris loses the pm gig, she’ll be out the gap like a stabbed rat.
I’d edit that I had it on fairly good authority that the row the time the polis were called was due to Boris grazing elsewhere.

She is someone I’d have a bit of sympathy for, she was never short of a few quid but has had her share of misfortune in life from her father to her encounter with John Worboys. I don’t expect her recent choices will see her have a trouble free future either.

Tans tanning