NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You’re asking @anon7035031 to speculate on something. Are you feeling alright?

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Been on an internet forum 24/7 you havent stopped at that anyway.

I was out on the bike there this morning in the peak District (FAO of @Fagan_ODowd)
There was a lad out paragliding.
Not safe to go to work, but safe enough to paraglide in a good wind.

Well, it’s a great example of social distancing


Twitter has been vigorously promoting this narrative for some time now. They have penned it to their twitter trends where you obviously picked it up from. It’s only 1 opinion piece in the midst of many others. Michael Ryan of WHO was advocating a swedish approach to this just last week.To my untrained eye that would not be wise given other variables, behaviours and limiting factors. However there is some merit to taking their lead in many instances.

The true impact both in terms of excess mortality and economic impact will be best captured in 18-24 months from now.


It’s a total cod and I find it hard to believe some lads are still swallowing it. According to the doomsday merchant’s millions would be dead by now. More people died from the flu globally last year ffs.


Thats just LIDTF propoganda. The NYT were among those pushing the narrative of tens of thousands of deaths if there was no lockdown. Now that Sweden have blown that out of the water they’ve moved the goalposts to ‘more than their neighbours’ or ‘more than average’. They’re a busted flush.


More people died from slipping on soap in the shower last year, I don’t see anyone going around banning soap


A 2017 study by Lancet Global Health estimated that between 291,000 and 646,000 people die from seasonal-related respiratory illnesses each year.

According to Worldometer there are 310,801 registered COVID deaths as of 16th of May.

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Sweden has done better than lots of countries that enforced strict lockdowns.

Sweden’s relative success (success isnt a great word to use when people are dying, I know) is annoying the LIDTF crew. They told everyone that’d listen Sweden would face hundreds of thousands of deaths but it didn’t happen. Now it’s all “we’ll compare them to Denmark or Norway”

The goalposts keep moving


They don’t like it up em. They wanted millions dead

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Thought London was opened up according to a poster on here? Major protests today i see in London protesting against the lockdown. Maybe he is in a different London.

They told us at the start it would be 10s of thousands of deaths for Ireland and similar for Sweden.

That’s what results should be based off.

85 thousand here I think.

It’s mad. We are talking of numbers that’s are relatively small. The media will hang on any government programme being cut or lack of welfare programme causing deaths but are now happy enough for wholesale shutdowns of economies that will cause far more deaths.

I’ve no problem with the initial decisions that were made and even the media cheerleading it at the time, but you have to be open minded on what worked and what didn’t work.

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The Italian made a bollix of of, and frightened the shite out of everyone, the ICU’s have not been overwhelmed, tens of thousands have not died, but they have destroyed Irish society and the economy, the ICU’s will be getting overwhelmed alright, when all the people who needed cancer treatment and the likes start showing up, people who were frightened out of their life to seek serious treatment because of the doom mongers, there needs to be a serious reckoning after this. The bloody flu killed more people globally last year ffs


They preferred it when they thought there would be millions of deaths and Roberto and Georgio were singing on balconies.


Hard to argue

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Fine day in cork

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