NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

11th worst in the world.

Do we record deaths in the same way as the rest of the world?


I think saying we had back luck is a cop out as well as being simply incorrect. We had very good luck, it arrived here very late. We had many other factors heavily stacked in our favour.

And we are 11th worst in the world. Not even in the EU, the world. That is appalling.

No. I’ve said before it’s one thing we appear to be doing right is attributing deaths to the virus correctly. Maybe that edges us a bit better.

But I’m astonished that anyone could say we have “done well”. The figures categorically disprove that.

Better conparators would be EU countries, against whom we still had a lot in our favour and yet still performed more poorly than.

Has every country in the world reached their peak of cases?

FG surging to 35 per cent in opinion polls suggests people think we have done well.

That’s the other point. Our position as 11th worst in the world will change. It may go up or it may go down. People were saying we were as bad as Sweden a couple of weeks ago. We had the same death rate. They now have a death rate that’s a hundred deaths per million worse than ours, a 33% swing in a couple of weeks.

I’d hold off on judging this and how countries performed until it’s all over to be honest.


While I would agree that the government and the HSE will have questions to answer do you really think we are 11th worst in the world? Like really believe that? Also, we are at a different stage to an awful lot of countries. We seemingly have passed the peak whereas a lot of other countries are not there yet so it will be months before we know where we are really at on any ranking table.

The pubs were told to implement Social Distancing the Wednesday. No one had ever heard of the term and there were no guidelines given. Leo made his Washinton speech on the Thursday and suddenly the nation had become gripped by panic. By Saturday it had become clear that, whatever it was, SD was not possible and the vast majority of pubs in the country didn’t even up on the Sunday and have remained closed since. But yes venal publicans took advantage, why let the truth get in the way of spreading bs

The Comments on the express website over this… Jesus

It seems to be in their culture. How many peaceful African nations do you know ?

Bring the army in to crush these commies

Sick to death of it all. The black community never stops going on about skin colour, it’s obsessed by racist ideas about itself. Give it a rest

He only reads phrases from posts to form his narrative around.

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What evidence do you have that the virus “arrived late”. Did it check the weather and refuse to fly before the temperature increased in Ireland?

The evidence is the virus was circulating way earlier than was initially thought. The main difference between countries is how fast it spread due to population density, public transport usage, etc.

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Dont forget that the pubs decided to shut down themselves before the government made them. The lockdown really came from the public.

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We have established COVID was all the fault of the greedy publicans. We are working on a line now to bring their clear culpability for the death of George Floyd to the publics attention now, when things settle down the greedy publicans will have to pay for causing climate change too. You need to get with the programme here

There were 1 or 2 high profile outliers but the IVF acted before the cowardly government and plenty if individual publicans acted before the IVF.

Shock - Mr publican not liking the light been shone on the venal publicans and their greed contributing to the covid spread. They’re as a bad if not worse than the horsey crew and Italian ski set.

Hi Brendan

Sweep sweep

Huh? I’ve already said they’re to blame for COVID, George Floyd and climate change. Their role in the troubles needs further scrutiny for sure and how convenient for them Diana died in a tunnel in Paris and not a beer garden in Ballysaggart. Wouldn’t put anything past the cunts

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