NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

We were also very unlucky that the Italian rugby fans, who ended up traveling to Ireland for a game that was never going to go ahead, weren’t told to stay at home.

I would have thought you supported their arrival as it would have sped up the herd immunity process.


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I know. That’s what I find bizarre.

Currently we are. That’s a simple fact. We may be overtaken but we will still be firmly in the bad category.

A better comparison would be EU countries. Let’s say good is top 10 of the 27. We are not there and we won’t be there. We will be somewhere in the bottom 10, probably in the bottom five. We have loads of advantages over most or our EU peers which I have set out. It is also clear that the virus began to spread here later than most of our EU peers.

How anyone can consider that we have managed this well beggars belief to me.

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You think that the figures being reported in the likes of China and Russia and some of the poorer countries are accurate? That’s fairly naive I’d say. I think the measurement against the other EU countries would be fairer. We would almost definitely be in the bottom 10 if not 5 of those countries when it comes to the state of our health service so not surprising that we will end up there in these grim tables.

I don’t think they’ve done that great either by the way and I think the complicity of the media in not questioning them needs to end now. We all had to pull on the green jersey at the start and by and large everybody did but the fact that we’re planning on opening up months slower because they still can’t get their shit together needs to be called out.


That is not correct on our health service compared to EU comparators. We are one of the richer countries in the EU by far, we have no excuse on this. And remember the one thing we did well on was hospital beds and managing those. Deaths occurred because we did not curb the spread of the virus well and did not protect the most vulnerable.

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So you’re saying we had a well functioning health service prior to this pandemic? That’s really interesting I’d like to hear more on this. And if you could just flesh out the bit in bold as well. We threw a truckload of money at the private hospitals at huge expense both financially but also to the health of thousands of other people. It turns out we didn’t need any of those beds because either a) they completely overreacted and we never needed those beds (thereby not doing well on managing the beds) or b) there was somewhat of a decent job done curbing the spread of the virus. You can’t have it both ways.

The biggest fuck up was in the nursing homes in not protecting them enough and many apparent cases of discharging patients with Covid into nursing homes.


I didn’t say that. I said compared to EU comparators. I think you’re being a bit silly now.

It’s like you can separate that from everything else and say apart from all those people we allowed die we did really well.

A lot of people are not able to distinguish the difference between a "well functioning "health service and a dysfunctional one. Our health service functions very well,once one gets access to it even at public level. Its getting access to it at public level is where the issue is


:grinning: You’re definitely one of the weaker debaters on here, kid. You never, ever address the points where you’re clearly wrong and you just ignore them. You replied separately to bits of my post and ignore the part in the middle where I made shit of your point about managing the beds. I am not separating the nursing homes from everything else, I’m doing the exact opposite. I stated clearly above that I don’t think they’ve done a particularly good job, I was just highlighting in that sentence where they did a particularly bad job. But you go ahead and keep cherry picking parts of posts out of context and running away from posts that highlight where you’re wrong, it’s actually mildly amusing.


:grin: Tell that to people waiting hours in emergency rooms and sleeping on trolleys in corridors.

There’s some serious revisionism going on here.

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Maybe you should also tell it to the cunts with medical cards who when they sneeze go straight to a&e and clog up the place for hours on end just because they can.
I’m not saying theres not issues. Noone isn’t and I’m certainly not a defender of the HSE but theres two sides to this coin


There’s not. We have had a poor quality of public health service for years with poor management, ridiculous waiting lists and poor facilities when you get in. It’s a health service that is designed for the people who work in them much like all of our public sector and a succession of craven governments have done nothing to address it for years.

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I told you and I didn’t deny that theres issues in there. But when an a&e is clogged up with drink fuelled coke heads every weekend, it obviously going to have a knock on effect


I’ll be honest, I stopped reading after this.


Sure Horsey mate. Read back over the “debate” we’ve had there. I say Ireland has managed the crisis poorly by comparison with peer nations, which is a fact. You take issue with that. Then you make up something I didn’t say and pose it to me as something I said. And then you have the psycho the scumbag and the social outcast liking your posts. But you’re beating me at the debate in your estimation, so fair play to you.

Polly Pissypants doesn’t like it up 'em.