NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You’re in tatters. Did you sleep alright?

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The 2m rule is gone on the mainland

Welcome to last week

Some of those English beaches attract real salt of the earth types

No zen at all over there @myboyblue

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I’m Zenned up to the eyeballs and over here. I’ve so much Zen I was thinking of exporting it through an air bridge.

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You’ll have to come back for the hurling

Oh God I will. Hopefully we’ll have a few matches on a Saturday that fall in with a Limerick match on Sunday

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This is being exaggerated.

The death rates arent following the higher positive tests, which would indicate that either the higher cases are just the result of more widespread testing or / and the fact that more vulnerable people are being protected or protecting themselves from it…


There is definitely an increase in certain States but overall it’s being overblown. It’s partly due to the culture wars.

The age profile is about mid thirties . Another reason for the low death toll

Possibly could be easier to attribute death to other reasons and maybe there would often be other reasons and covid just contributed? testing is just a simple yes or no do you have it or not.

I am assuming they are using the same criteria to measure deaths that they have used throughout the pandemic.

Gone out of control in Australia and New Zealand, serious egg on the face for the hide under the bed brigade

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The mysoginists on here will love to see the bird in the big house handle this in NZ.

Well in fairness , she was very quick and very public to give herself a pat on the back a few weeks back. Left herself wide open

The distance between a pat on the back and a toe in the hole comes to mind.

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