NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


the poster woman for the lock it down to fuck brigade can’t even control it in a place that no one goes, oh aye, some job alright :sweat_smile:

The city of Leicester has been placed on lockdown and the easing of restrictions rowed back.

As people loosen up and stop washing hands and stepping the fuck back this thing just creeps on up on us again.

Tassoti said everything was back to normal in England?

There’ll be no hurling this year. I’d nearly bet on it

Personal freedoms matter so much more…

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Lad in the village tested positive. The hurling is fucked.

I’d have no problem with the scrapping it this year tbh. Be disappointing alright but I’d get over it

If lads are getting it playing golf, the most socially distant of all pastimes, then hurling could be quite difficult

Better get a pint quick


It’s mental

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Dear Lord

Fucking moany migrants talking about needing food and jobs, fuckers are only mad to go to the pub. Fucking cheek of them. Only corona matters now, they can all starve to death, if it means saving even one life their sacrifice will be worth it.

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What do you think of the spikes in cases in the likes of texas and florida where people haven’t been taking it seriously?

Jacinata Aherne wouldn’t run a bath

Ladybird this for me. The amount is positive tests is being overblown? As in… it’s not that important? Why would ‘culture wars’ have an effect on the numbers.

I think it’s 2 states full of some of the most ignorant people on the planet and they should take it more seriously.

What should they do to take it more seriously?