NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Huge surges in cases around the globe but John Bull and Mick Muldoon think it’s over.

I’ll let you know when it’s safe mate. Back under the bed with you and let the rest of us get on with it

What did you get the wife for the birthday after kid?

But deaths aren’t increasing in those countries with spikes in cases from what I gather. What’s happening now is that countries have better information and processes in place they can deal with these inevitable outbreaks and protect the most vulnerable.

The virus will not be eradicated, it needs to be managed.

get back under the bed you bollix

Will you just humour him and be a bit more hysterical?

The white House press secretary is having a fun time at the moment

Boris the butcher blaming the carers now I see

Has Sweden been wiped off the face of the earth yet?



Both headed in the right direction. Great to see

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says of the decision to reimpose Stage 3 lockdown on Melbourne metropolitan area that “a sense of complacency has crept into us as we let our frustrations get the better of us”:

We do have a chance to change that in the decisions we all make, in the way we conduct ourselves and the way we reset, and that is why the public health team have advised me to reimpose stage 3 stay at home restrictions, staying at home except for the four reasons to leave, effective from midnight tomorrow night for a period of six weeks.

There is simply no alternative other than thousands and thousands of cases and potentially more.
Many, many people in hospital and the inevitable tragedy that will come from that.

I think a sense of complacency has crept into us as we let our frustrations get the better of us. I think that each of us know someone who has not been following the rules as well as they should have. I think each of us know that we’ve got no choice but to take these very, very difficult steps.

It was a long night and we have been working throughout the day to get all the data we possibly could to make the best evidence-based science-based decision about what the next steps should be.

We’re standing by Mike. Will you post the data in .XLSX format for ease of interpretation?

That was Daniel Andrews showing strong leadership skills there. Daniel doesn’t strike me as the type to have time for playing golf or tending to divorce settlements during times of crises.

Would it be a fair assessment to say that cases seem to be spiking worse in countries (or bits of countries in the US’s case) that were not hit bad during the initial outbreak? I haven’t looked at the DATA now mind so I could be way off

In the US it seems to be states that weren’t hit originally. Iran seems to be getting another battering. Deaths won’t be as high as those at risk are more aware and are isolating. Hospitals are under pressure everywhere though. Any fatalities will likely be younger people with underlying conditions. That’s just a layman’s summary.

I’ve added some DATA here

New York (badly hit initially) has a graph that’s almost opposite to those belonging to states that fared well early on

Would you also say there might be some immunity developing in certain places? New York is reopening and is incredibly densely populated.