NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

NZ beat the virus mate. They did everything properly. They might be able to let in a tourist in a decade or so too

You need me to answer that question? Really?

Ireland is the exact same as New Zealand there are literally no differences why didn’t we do exactly what they did.


My point is you probably want them to social distance wash hands etc etc and open up businesses and go back to work, which is exactly what we’re meant to be doing now and what’s happening here yet you’re still in some sort of a big seethe about it.

What are you on about? I’m happy that we are doing all of that.

I had a feeling you were only pretending to be angry so I decided to have a pop at you.

Sure Ireland and NZ are practically beside each other

Talk of peak numbers etc.

The CDC themselves said that at one point 20 times the number of diagnosed cases were there in reality. If you look at the number of deaths; there were 2,700 deaths at the peak in the US. At a 1% death rate that is over 270k daily cases. 1% is the high estimate of deaths now from Covid, anything lower than that and your 270k cases gets higher.

With increased testing they will be catching a lot more cases than March/April.

That puts the current “record” number of cases into some perspective.

There is absolutely increases in some States. We shall see where this leads in terms of mortality, the current curve looks like this.

In terms of Culture Wars, masks have become a battleground. There is a lot more mentions in the media about Florida and Texas, but California also has seen an increase in diagnosed cases.

This has baffled me. The phrase “in states such as Florida and Texas” is being used by media, even in Ireland.

It’s shorthand for states where there’s loads of stupid ignorant redneck cunts

That’s not very neighbourly of you.

But why are cases rising in California too?

Fair amount of stupid cunts there too I’d say. It’s not known for them as much as the other places though.

So you don’t think cases are on the rise really outside some states? So in general the situation in America is getting better with respect to covid?

The North East is far better. Places like NY, NJ and Mass are down to quite small new daily case rises.

The States mentioned have regressed.

I think overall that things are still where they were 3/4 weeks ago. We shall see if new cases in those States start to plateau in the next few days and then the overall death rate in a couple of weeks. Overall I think we are a good bit away from where we were on April 21st, 2,749 deaths then vs. 349 yesterday. You’d think the death rate will start to creep up again with those States seeing increases but we shall see.

I think it will be a wakeup warning for those States to up their contact tracing game, which is no bad thing. Trump is faffing about and is doing damage to the economy by not pushing for more integrated contact tracing across the board.

Its over, the mainland is now safer than Ireland

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Should the death rate actually drop for a year or two now, given COVID has disproportionately killed so many of the old people?


Boris has got the UK in a very strong position for the 2nd wave, it will struggle to make much headway with fewer soft targets.

Don’t think like that it’ll ruin Dr Tonys victory lap due to all the lives he saved over next 2 years.


A bollix like holohan would be ran out the door on the mainland