NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Cummings is playing his final desperate chords, and Boris is as usual dancing away to them.
The Tories have shot their bolt too soon, which is what they get for only ever looking at tomorrows Express headline as a map for running the country. They are firing out bribe after bribe at a time when it is electorally meaningless, whilst failing as usual to even begin to warn of the hard times just over the hill. Cummings is now despised by more than half of the population. Not only is he reviled by the half of the country that voted remain, he has added another chunk of people who were locked down whilst he was flouncing around the country in a blind panic, and yet another swathe for his lying about it. Safe to say he will never be able to comfortably go out in public again. His days running Bojo are limited, as they’ve pretty much said he’s gone in six months. He is hence looking to salvage the tatters of his reputation with his “jam today” approach. This won’t actually work, as at least 50% of the population find him viscerally repulsive, but he’s trying.
Bojo is as usual blind to any kind of tactical thinking more than one step removed. He’s happy to bribe the population into relative torpor for now, but he’s four years away from a GE, and there is no way the Tories can continue this for too much longer. Eaten bread is soon forgotten. As they are going to have to begin to address the problem, taxes will rise, spending will fall, and they will still be holding the wheel.
If Brexit goes badly for them, and most sane commentators think it will, they will have nowhere to hide.
A week in politics is a long time. Four years is an age.


Galways Pierce Morgan nails Cummings here


Someone told me that Sweden has suffered the same decrease in economic growth as Denmark with a great multiple of the deaths. Is this true?

I was chatting to a friend who works with the BBC as a politics journalist in Westminster. He reckons the Tories will get in again in 4 years no bother. Labour are still batshit crazy and intent on in fighting. He also reckons that because the average Brit doesn’t watch the news and reads the Tory papers, it doesn’t matter what Labour do.

How is Bolsenero holding up?

Is it true that someone told you?

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I reckon he’s wrong. He seems oblivious to the train coming down the tracks, and has little insight into just how quick people will round on someone.
Do the sums.
If Brexit is a success economically the Tories will get back in. If it isn’t, a dog with a mallet up it’s hole would beat them. Which do you think is most likely?
Is there any great surprise that a BBC little ingerlander is refracting through his own prism?
Bullet point, he sounds like a cunt


I hope he’s wrong. I think the government is fucked but they are trying to ride it out and place blame on anyone but themselves. Did you see that article in the guardian during the week where they interviewed people in “red wall” areas? Fuck me it was depressing. People saying yea things are bad but imagine if Corbyn won. Another who’s a retired nurse said because 40,000 people over the age of 66 are dead, that means the government have saved money so they’ll be okay. Turkey’s voting for Christmas. Brexit will be a fuck up but watch the spin. Blame remainers, Eu etc. The only positive has been Starmer showing Johnson up for what he is every Wednesday but not enough people see that. Yet Labour are trying to fuck him over.


Labour have to convince a red wall that i think is fairly racist. These people really think Boris cares about them and as much as Boris tries to show them he doesn’t they won’t listen


1% of the US population have now tested positive for Covid.

This makes me seriously question McConkey’s credibility

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Good stuff from Dr McConkey.


I wouldn’t listen to a word he says.

We haven’t lost the cure for cancer there

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Masks compulsory from today on public transport. Should be a few horror stories by the end of the day.

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People cross a bride? Is this one of those fake news sites?