NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The Riverwalk…

Time to take the mike away from Mr McConkey.


This lad works at a college where 80% of students come in from abroad. He is effectively calling for its shutdown

Having not read the article, what is he proposing? It sounds like he is pursuing eradication of the virus. Most have accepted that that isn’t possible.

Putting tourists in Mountjoy. Travel restrictions for 10 years.

Colleges in Ireland are going to be seriously hit now they won’t be able to fleece a heap of foreigners

People are mad for ‘experience tourism’ these days.


McConkey is spiralling.

These lads are saying anything to remain in the headlines.


What is the general state of things across Europe now?

How are our Spanish, Italian and German friends doing?

There was crowds at the races in Deauville yesterday which was a significant step forward I thought.

Sad to see our man go down like this

testing at airports was not an effective measure as it generated a lot of false positives that were very resource intensive.

Do they understand the context of the economic impact at all?

Numbers on the rise in Luxembourg bit that number could be skewed by cross border workers plus widespread testing has been underway for the last fortnight. I’m going meself on Friday.

This is his one shot at the big time. He’s got to go for it

Sources said the Government had also made contact with the main airlines flying into the State about making the completion of an online passenger locator form a mandatory part of booking a ticket on a flight into the country.

Irish Government: Hey airlines, will you get your website guys to make the passenger locator form a part of the booking process on your platforms and you will pay for it and host it for us but we only want you to do it for the next week or maybe later we haven’t made up our minds yet?

I flew back from London a number of weeks back. Hadn’t time or access to printer to fill out covid landing form. Got to customs in Dublin Airport

“Have you the form?”

“Sorry I haven’t but will out now if you give it to me?”

“Ah don’t worry, I’ll do it here now. So how.long were you away?”

“24 hours”

“Oh well, in that case, you might self quarantine for a week” as she pushed the form away again unfilled.


And that was the last of that. No phone number or email requested, no address, no follow up etc.

Would imagine it has to be a lot more stringent since then.

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He’s going the way of Constantine the Miserable from the bust. He needs to move out of the limelight gracefully and not be swinging wildly in a vain attempt to stay relevant.

We’re eradicating the virus.

The public health officials couldn’t believe that populations and governments were so obedient in locking down for so long. The WHO and public health officials actually designed the whole delay and mitigation thing, and didn’t encourage travel restrictions, because they never believed that free societies could actually implement restrictions for so long. They aren’t experts in constitutions or economists so could never foresee that there would be such acceptance of restrictions on daily life or the low interest rates printing presses to pay for mass unemployment, to keep populations from rising back up against losing their livelihoods.

Worldwide the impact of social media has shone through. We all shat our pants and went for lockdowns ASAP. Many countries and US States simply locked down too soon. All the smarty pants who read Taleb’s Black Swan book wanted to be on the early train with him so retweeted his One page exec summary of tail risk paper on Covid and said we must lockdown now.

Europe seems fortunate that for whatever reason some kind of immunity threshold has being reached in many places and there was enough virus on the continent pre lockdown to allow for that (we don’t know if that will last). Lots of countries are now in this corner where the need for containment and delay of the virus has been unsurped by “suppression”. We have news reporters now hunting out for the next infection cause when people are trying to get on with their lives. That reporter from Newstalk did it with Dame Lane and has done it again with that flight from Texas. Hysterical overreactions.

The reality is that for everyone of those hysterical people, there’s people who now know and appreciate the real risk of the virus, or at least, are prepared to live with it. More and more of those people won’t obey another lockdown.

That Spanish court is interesting as it is the first time a court has struck down such restrictions. Legally every country is different so it is hard to say that we will see courts striking down lockdowns everywhere, but no country can hide from economics. Once Governments realise they can’t just keep blowing their debt out, they will struggle to maintain this anywhere.

The likes of McConkey needs to rein himself in. He’s had his moment in the sun. Going on about the housing crisis and youth unemployment now, these guys really are the new celebrity economists.


There were 16 people on that flight. The odds of anyone coming into close contact with one of them is incredibly small. And MCConkey wants them, people who likely had flights booked and risked losing hundreds by not going, put in prison. Fucking prison!

Nothing happened on Dame Lane that hasn’t been happening in Stephens Green or the Phoenix Park for months now.

The scaremongering dome by RTE, Newstalk and the LIDTF crew has been shameful.