NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


Anyone with a “black lives matter” t-shirt on to be exempt, as they have been from all the rules so far.

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Each EU country has the right to control their own borders in emergency situations.

We need to send the FCA to the airports

And then tell them to get on a plane and never come back


I was speaking to a lad in the Netherlands there last week who was looking forward to driving to Spain on holidays in the coming weeks. The entire continent should have herd immunity by November.


And, inevitably…

I’m surprised he got this long

I was actually about to post this earlier but didn’t bother as I knew there was probably another article out there saying the exact opposite!

Fucking hell.

That was happening off the record in the UK at the start.

The 7 day average of new US cases fell for the first time in ages yesterday, dropping from 68,860 to 67,612. It must be said though that yesterday looked unusually low even for a Sunday, overall though the case increase on a national basis has slowed down significantly.

There are different variations from State to State, some of the key larger States have plateaued or are in decline but smaller ones around are seeing increases. The positive rate is still too high though and it is creeping upwards in a couple of States with modest control over the virus and there are some testing difficulties. The backlog in some testing will mean case load will remain high in some States longer than reality.

Deaths are catching up fast now and we’re entering a couple of weeks where they will be high and get a lot of reporting.

I’m hopeful though overall that we’re on the downward trend in a couple of the key driver States that will see cases decline, still probably 4 weeks though before some level of confidence is restored nationally.

The mask and school reopening narrative is a disaster though coming into November. I’m very worried that politics and the election are going to do further unnecessary damage.

The Swedes proven right, @mikehunt will blow a fuse

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The Telegraph :smiley::smiley:

they must have got awful complacent, they were doing so well :sweat_smile:

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Yes you still have utter clowns, some of them on here, that believe not alone can the virus be suppressed it can be eradicated.


The Aussies closing the place down because of something that doesn’t affect 99.9% of the population