NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Having a local lockdown and fucking the benefits of it away by allowing people in from places riddled with Covid is bizarre but typical of a reactionary government.

It’s tough shit if you had a holiday booked and the pandemic happened. It’s not justification to go on your trip.


Any idea what the story is with flying to Ireland for the weekend?

People are advised not to travel. They can choose to follow advice or not. If the government really wants people not to travel then they should introduce proper rules and not Mickey mouse advice.

Could they do this and not contravene EU? Genuine question

I’d say as an Irish citizen they cannot deny you entry once the flights are running.

I don’t know what you mean by contravene EU? I don’t think any EU countries have restrictions in place for people travelling from Ireland.

Epidemiologists are the new rockstars

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Would you not just swim it you lazy fuck? You and your celebrity athlete pals could do it as your morning’s training.

Apologies if it wasn’t clear. People are suggesting that Ireland should lockdown borders.
What I am asking is whether, entirely as a matter of interest, they can legally prevent an EU citizen coming here for whatever reason from another EU country, or whether this would contravene EU legislation.

I’ll swim over and sneeze on you you bollox

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Good question. As a temporary emergency measure we could, but that time is passed. You would still have to allow citizens and anyone legally resident in Ireland to return. I don’t think you could possibly just shut out the rest of the world let alone the EU. It would make no sense anyway, we have an open border with the north and people could just land there. We are out of step with the rest of the EU and the focus on foreign travel is bizarre.

Allow free travel to safe places and have proper restrictions in place for people from unsafe places, it should be simple.

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That’s all well and good, but people will. Especially with windy advice. The government should either ground flights or open it up.

It’s almost too simple

I was only asking as a point of interest.
The problem with your answer is that “proper restrictions” are impossible to enforce really, unless you tag people


It will be the government’s fault ultimately but people should try and not be idiots too.

The government had months to implement border controls and did nothing

They’re not that hard. 5k fine for breach, it’s existence is enough to discourage people ignoring the rules. As it is we tell them to work away.

So, mandatory 5k fine.
Your extreme right wing credentials aren’t far below the surface.