NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You wouldn’t.
Herselfs icu, which has 24 beds, and is in a covid hotspot, hasn’t had a new covid admission for a month.
I don’t think they should look at that alone, but it certainly seems to be becoming a much less virulent disease.
It’s easy to shriek when you’re safe in a civil service or MNC job, but there are hundreds of thousands of people who’s livelihoods and life’s work are gravely threatened by what is currently a gross overreaction to a few screaming Brendas in the msm, or on Facebook.
It’s very easy to scream lockdown when your business, work, livelihood are relatively unscathed.



I agree with your point about the relative ease of calling for lockdown measures depending upon your job/personal situation. It’s an unprecedented situation and people understandably have strong viewpoints aligned to what their main concerns are. I’m not sure social media has helped - corralling people into cohorts of like-minded views and then amplifying the frustration.


This is true. It doesn’t affect me, but people like Lazarus are being screamed over.
The politicians should start and lead a mature debate, rather than dictate from under the desk. They are ignoring one side of the scales I reckon.

I think if politicians could take the easy and popular choice they would - that’s almost always been the pattern in Ireland and is usually the cause of all the shit we end up in.

The fact that they’re not (pubs, local lockdown etc) gives some indication of the lose-lose situation facing them and almost all govs around the world

But they aren’t engaging people in debate. At no point has a taoiseach come out and talked about the pros and cons, and the quid pro quos of lockdown.
They just make some decision based on the opinion of some random medic, who is as likely to be a crank as you or I.
They should have an informed and slightly sceptical view of anyone screaming certainty, and convey this to the people they are supposed to be working for, and why.

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Shriek x1, scream x2, civil service x1. Flatty ticking all the right wing contrarian Nogra boxes.

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Drink more fluids mate.

How would they engage people in debate? Leinster House - which is really a place for parties of all hues to land political points rather than agree common cause.

I do think they could be more open with publishing reports etc but ultimately there is no certainty in this - it’s tough decisions with massive implications that are guaranteed to upset a proportion of the population no matter what.

I disagree with your comment about the advice potentially coming from cranks. Particularly when there are multiple experts engaged.

They are taking the easier choice. They are wholly following the ultra cautious advice from the public health advisors and abdicating any responsibility to interrogate that advice or balance it against competing needs.


@glasagusban making a shamelessly blatant play for admission to the NOGRA ultras.

Tone down your shrieking. You’re starting to sound like maroonandshite.

Is that true? I thought there is multiple instances of them going against NPHET advice and I suspect NPHETs advice doesn’t exist within a vacuum, they understand what is politically feasible and what’s not.

Ultimately though it’s a terrible choice which either way can cause huge hardship on certain groups/sectors.

I have destroyed the Nogra right wing racist psychos and if you keep you going down the path you’re currently on I will destroy you too.

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Any word of advice ever uttered is potentially coming from a crank mate.

Try another litre.

I believe so. They didn’t set up mandatory quarantine centers because money and probably legal challenge, and NPHET wanted an earlier curfew on bars restaurants (for fuck sake) and the government went 45 mins later than the recommendation or something like that.

But in general they are following everything they are told to and in my opinion it’s much easier to follow NPHET advice and say they were protecting public health above all than to work hard to find the balance between acceptable/controllable level of cases and openness.

Any decision they are challenged on they are justifying by reference to public health. It’s very hard to contradict that. I think that’s the easy route in this crisis.

@flattyMacSharry obviously didnt get a satisfactory response from the planners of Galway.

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Who did you bribe mate? Are they still accepting?

Morocco is the biggest kip I’ve been to by some distance and I’m from Birmingham and have been to Laois many times so it’s a big statement i know.

The only thing that lad destroyed was the margaritas and tacos the other night. And his trousers the time he pissed in them.