NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

See above. Who do I criticise constantly?

Like in the US?


Your simplistic approach seems to be similar to Trump’s.

New York had a very strict lockdown and they have the highest death rate or close to it. You can’t count the US as one entity in this, the response across different states has varied, sometimes wildly, just like Europe.

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You’re talking to an idiot. I live in the US, we started restrictions in February and had a full stay at home order in early March. There was some easing of restrictions last month but they have been reversed, bars and indoor restaurants still closed, no idea whether schools will open or not. The point is that even with all that our state government are more cautious now five months later.

Governments made a fuck of this and now they are trapped, it’s as simple as that.

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A lockdown works if done properly. There is proof of that. New York, Italy and Spain got caught early. Their mistakes/bad luck helped other countries/states to avoid a similar catastrophe. Trump encouraged other states to follow your proposed strategy and are now paying the price.

What do you mean by is done properly? And for how long should it be done?

Ah here.

What? Can you not answer the questions?

Norway has advised its citizens to avoid all travel abroad, even to countries with few Covid-19 cases, amid a series of measures aimed at preventing a resurgence of the epidemic.

“I think most of us have now understood the holiday is over,” health minister Bent Høie told a press conference. “We have to roll up our sleeves, because we have a job to do - preventing the virus from forcing us to close the country again.”

The politicians need to start looking at ICU admissions rather than numbers of infections.


Absolute nonsense. Trump was told by the governors early on to get fucked and they have individually managed it themselves. California has been locked down since early March, the first state to lock down, and has had more cases recently than back in April. Locking down a healthy population does not work, end of.

He means the southeast Asian model which was followed by New Zealand, his favorite example. Large scale testing, detention centers where everyone infected and those they were in contact with locked up for two weeks, no travel in or out of the country, etc. Wait for the rest of the world to completely eliminate the virus and then reopen in 2030.

We are going to count the deaths of the lockdown as a massive multiple of the deaths from the virus.

There should be sensible precautions, absolutely, but we are behaving like the Spanish Flu is rampant.

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Er no it doesn’t. Health is one of the most reported stories in normal times. The weekly INMO trolley figures are posted like Gospel, for example, and will regularly lead the news.

Lockdowns early are not WHO general advice. Where do you think the different phases came from?

Disagree. ICU admissions are a lagging indicator - if you start seeing a rapid rise there you’re prob already in deep deep trouble.

A major challenge of this virus is the lag time between action and result, both when you are locking down and when you are opening up, and the exponential nature of a virus where things can get out of control in a very short period of time.


There’s a lag alright, but the fall in the number of ICU admissions is proportionally far higher than the fall in the number of cases.

Well, you’re comparing things that in reality are 2-3 weeks apart. The person in ICU now was most likely a positive test several weeks ago. If you shift the curves to reflect that I’d imagine you’d get a lot more correlation.