NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Galway has been utterly thronged the last month or two and still amongst the lowest case rates in the land. Are we fucking immune or what? This whole Covid bollix is only a cod

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It wont take to ye, ye contrary cunts

Simple answer is probably very little testing taking place.

The truth is Galway people tend to live healthier lifestyles than the rest. I expect Supermacs will make a killing from here on

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Supermacs for the roasters. Weed for the hippies. All bases covered. Interestingly all the craic heads in Dublin seem to be impervious to it as well.

They are testing over 25,000 people a week. If it was a case they weren’t finding it then surely the hospitals would be overrun

Yeah but dont you generally only get tested if you have symptoms (and contact your doctor) or are a close contact of a positive case. The huge rate of asymptomatic cases means there’s probably lots of clusters that just haven’t been picked up on as no one got badly sick. Especially with groups of young people.

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Shes getting close to declaring the NZ medical dictatorship. We still are prentending that the junta are playing ffg for mugs

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Jacinda sounds very robotic there.

NZ is a disgrace…

She needs ousting

Preventing a democratic election without a good reason, if putin did that there would be protests in the streets around the world and the woke crew would have a field day.

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If Trump did it lads on here would bust a blood vessel about it.

I’m looking forward to the mental gymnastics


Does anyone know what the feeling about the lockdown in nz is? Or the opinion of her. I have only seen the outside looking in. Is there a tfknz that would have the same opinion of her as many here have about Leo?

She’ll make your mans sister in North Korea look like mother Theresa by the time she’s through


300 test positive at a Sandwich factory in the UK

Very popular at the moment. It’s a high high to fall down from though.

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Fair enough the media fawning over her is how peopel feel. Unlike our leaders

There was always going to be a spread at the sandwich factory.