NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

and they were doing so well…

Boris is opening it up to fuck, proper leadership instead of hiding behind the “experts”

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John Bull over with his eyebrows unwaxed since March. FFS we’ve been back at that here for months. Savage backwards over on the mainland


are ye allowed to the pub yet? :sweat_smile:

Where Great Britain leads the micks will follow about three months later.

Take that Paddy

That family in NZ were displaying symptoms on July 31st but didn’t test positive until August 11th.

Two weeks going around infecting everyone.


I thought they were world leaders when it comes to the virus?

Where did they find it?

Just randomly contracted it.
Sure the place must be riddled with it and they packing thousands into stadiums.

worse than any chelthenham, Jacinta Aheren has blood n her hands


A nation founded on germicide of the indigenous people.

serious questions for Maori Mike to answer here, the virus is rampant in the community and she let rugby games go ahead

Hard to pay your own back and run a country at the same time. Just like running your belly and tapping your head.
Locking down is a stress free way of being taoiseach.
Like running a household by locking it up and going on holidays.

Back of their throats and nasal passage

Wrong thread

The Swedes have got it spot on. What’s happening here is a sham by comparison.


Another wonderful article that relatively nobody will read.


As I’ve said multiple times, and been repeatedly called names for it, Sweden have got this bang on. But you’ve the usual screaming Marys who’ll say this doctor doesn’t care about old people’s lives or other such bullshit.


Very interesting alright… This is the only bit I’d question…

If that is the case, then there won’t have been any point in shutting down in the first place, because all those countries are going to end up with the same number of dead at the end of the day anyway.

For Ireland at least one of the reasons for lockdown was to slow the rate to give hospitals a chance to cope. Because our health system was rubbish. So there was value in it at a point

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