NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

So what are “we” not doing now?

I’ve no idea what you are talking about here or what you are arguing.

Please make a relevant point and argue the strategy that you would pursue.

Really? Well and good. But I am, as your last comment attests and evinces, simply far more intelligent than you in any terms and certainly in absolute terms. You simply cannot compete with me on this front.

Then again, I am sure you hold no grudges towards that truth being pointed out, since you believe, far more than I do, in the sovereignty of superiority. The fact I am Old Irish must ease the sting.

Futher again, beyond native intelligence and wit, I have the advantage of not being in hock to temperament-driven ideology. Jordan Peterson is George Hook for people with a third level degree. Etc.

I have no problem with the current strategy, you seem to be part of a greater “we” who has some unknown knowledge on how to do things better, but when pressed resort to a load of auld shit. What exactly would your “we” do better than is being done now

You are a peasant, like most here.

Definition of peasant: ‘Imitation without understanding.’

Provide a source for that. The current evidence we have is that asymptomatically infected individuals are much less likely to transmit the virus than those showing symptoms, much less people who get re infected (all 2 of them so far). Given how contagious the virus is and the number of asymptomatic people out there, if what you said were true the disease would have been far more widespread than we have seen.

The Irish Government do not have a medium term strategy. That is due in September, I have criticised that. That’s a fact.

I do not criticise not pursuing a Zero Covid strategy, which we have been told is never going to be the strategy. But the lack of a medium term strategy, yes I will criticise that from a new government.

You are confusing tactics and strategy.

I have criticised the half baked decisions which are not underpinned by real data or evidence & are efforts at “nudge” behaviour changes, which mostly have failed.

  • I have criticised that we reopened too slowly (our first phase was behind Europe generally) and this gave the impression of a Covid Zero strategy.
  • I have criticised that the communication to many businesses was poor, see the delays in issuing guidance to restaurants.
  • I have criticised that many businesses were being unfairly targeted.
  • I have criticised the fact that the Irish Government agreed to lockdown three counties but only thought of the economic consequences afterwards. There was a paper to the Department of Health suggesting localised lockdowns in June, the Irish Government had evidently not discussed a rounded public health and economic approach to same
  • I have criticised some of the more recent Government economic supports, which are allocating resources to the wrong areas
  • I have criticised the non scientific and unilateral approach to the Green List here, which deviated from ECDC advice and a general EU framework. This further damaged very important Irish industries
  • I have criticised the scaremongering and scapegoating style of communications

I have never been a crank on this. Go back to March, I defended the initial approach. The Irish government tried to test a lot at the start, that was ultimately a bit misguided but was with the best intentions. I praised the initial economic supports. I supported public health led advice (which was based on the WHO and public health pandemic theory) on when the lockdown should have been implemented. Whilst I thought the Irish lockdown went on too long, I thought the approach of our police force to enforcement of it was sensible and things like keeping public parks opened was the right thing to do.


Is that what you were doing by showing you have no idea what vaccines are or how they work? You’re a great man for the flowery language but you show a fierce nasty streak when you are wrong. Judging from your posts on here you’re a horrible cunt. I hope that’s just on here for your sake and the people around you…


I wouldn’t dream of trying to compete with you, my sole interest is the pursuit of the truth. You should consider the same approach.

I wish more on here would just listen to you. A lot would get solved

Slogans, slogans… Thought is the thing. For thought, you need intellect.

‘Pursuit of the truth’. Me hole.

You are in pursuit of an ‘intellectual’ alibi for your personality.

The only way I could improve your longterm prospects? Impregnating your daughter. Genetic roulette, of course. But an odds on bet, still, given genetic starting point.

Classy as always

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I suppose you just put the vacuous in vaccine.

If, to you, I am a horrible whatever, well and good to nth degree. Job done.

I sort of enjoy having this effect on morons.

She would think so.

This is indeed very worrying for France. Naturist beaches are typically frequented by the elderly.

Is not the smell of underlying utter nastiness and stupidity great in the evening?

Everyone’s reductio is their truth.

Glad to be of help.

The Sweden freemasons just got iced.

They sure did.

Who’d have thunk the self proclaimed smartest man on tfk is a jumentous snecklifter.

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:rollseyes: It’s the little things in life eh.