NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Like your penis, eh?

You’ve knocked it out of the park again (baseball reference). Bravo

Serious intellectual retort. Well done. :clap:

I am not dealing with an intellectual.

Look in the mirror.

Clothed, for your own sake.

:clap: :clap:

giphy (19)


I find it great fun reading your posts @Malarkey, you have a great way with an insult, but you throw them out far too cheaply for my liking, you need to hold something back, that ‘impregnate your daughter’ line could have been a dinger after all the niceties had been used up but @Batigol didn’t deserve that then

Leave him off. He considers himself intelligent and funny. Probably says it to himself in the mirror before typing paragraphs on here. My non-existent daughter will get over it

I think he was insulting your entire lineage, past, present and future rather than just insinuating he’d impregnate your daughter. I could be wrong though. I struggled with poems in school


Possibly. Whatever the case, it was marvelous insult from a top, top poster

I’m looking in to moving to Sweden. There’s no future in this backward fucking country. We’d have more success against this virus if we went back to the old ways and left a saucer of milk out for the fairy folk… The so called scientists calling the shots here must have gotten their qualifications in a lucky bag.


The mere mention of Sweden sets lads off here.

There’s about 135 unread posts here that I’m not going back over. What’s the score?

Funny enough I was talking to the brother today and a mate of his is moving there soon. Hes married to a Swedish one. Hes a sound skin. I can put you in touch if serious

There’s no way Mrs O’Sullivan will let him off to Sweden with her grandchild

RIP Sweden

I’ve a mate over there already. He’s been playing ball, drinking and eating out as normal all along. Says it’s hardly news over there.

Sweden didn’t have a lockdown and, as predicted, their society collapsed. Hundreds of thousands died.