NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Some lads always drank the soup.

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especially in Kilkenny


They’d have viewed the Easter Rising as selfish in Kilkenny. Not the time nor the place they’d have said.


Good point.

I think there’s a huge sense of entitlement in Irish society that’s more prevalent the more you come down in age bracket. People, particularly younger people, are more precious and special than ever before. There’s a hundred different reasons for that but we also live in a very fractured society and I cant help but feel the ideology of the last few governments has caused a lot of this. Your neighbour is now your enemy… We all need to be kinder to each other*.

*except on TFK of course


You, as you just proved, are something on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

Not even a Senior Infant. A baby.

You are hitching a rhetorical ride on suicide and then hoping someone else was dead and still so cement block thick and so midden unpleasant as not to see the contradiction.

An anonymous utter dimwit on an online forum… And you think the likes of you would know how to run the country. God bless your ego. You should turn it into an anaerobic digester, for it could consume anything.

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To what? Wit.

I am curious as to where this figure of 30 deaths by suicide in Galway is coming from. Its a shocking number and needs greater focus placed upon it.

Look, I am told you are some engineer lad in Clare who thinks if you go on about ‘Paddy’ The Irish Times will offer you a column. You are just another Daire Gan Gaire merchant. By your level of ‘talent’, even a shitehawk like Patrick Freyne looks – well, looks decently mediocre rather than pure shite altogether.

The joke is on you.

Yeah, you are so concerned. I know, I know. You were one of the major fundraisers for Pieta House before the pandemic.

You could just have said you didnt know.

Ho ho ho.

And so we get back to the dreary steeples of TFK: what the Kilkenny hurlers did during the first 16 seasons of the 20th century.

Ho ho ho.

No, i could not, because the point is your hypocrisy, your callousness. You could not give two flying ones about whomever committing suicide. You are just trying to make some inane tinfoil hat point.

I’m not actually. I’m trying to find out where this figure came from. Either you know, or you dont. As far as I can see, its being repeated ad nauseum on social media, but it must have originated somewhere.

Thank you for your time.

You’re an awful bully. How was your childhood?


How is your dyslexia?

This might be the source

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Good days, bad days.

Ah no, I am much more like Joe Brolly.

Is @Malarkey going to tell us how we will “defeat” (his word) the virus via selflessness?

He previously was going on about a vaccine but he seems to have found another secret sauce?

Brothers - please. We need to be as one.