NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Everything is “world beating” on the mainland these days.
Fact is, the only world leading things they have left are fat tattooed yobs and fucking utter cunts of ministers.

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This is a man who by his own admission slept with 1,000s of women, now saying that anyone who loves their grandmother will spend the next FOUR YEARS of their life never kissing a stranger, never going to a dance, never going out past 11:30 at night, never going to a university lecture, most likely never making a new friend… “SLIGHTLY WILD!?” You UUUCOAM. In case you are unused to TFK lingo, that stands for utter utter utter cunt of a man. You are a complete and utter fucking cunt.

30 fucking dead from Galway this month by suicide !?!?!



Look, you are a moron who appears to think TFK is a personality-bestowing machine. It is not.

The fact that you are a hysteric does not mean anyone else is. Yourself and all the other ‘herd immunity’ latchikos can be your own little bubble. And ain’t that neat for those for whom thinking is such terrible toil and trouble…

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Ireland will be lucky to only get 4 years of lockdown. Has it not twigged with you yet that NPHET are never going to let us escape from them? And I never said anything whatsoever about herd immunity.

As for the idea that “thinking is such terrible toil and trouble”, you need to think about how this will end. The WHO have said that the vaccine won’t be the end. I have realised that it will only ever end when the people stand up. You will eventually come to agree with me, the only question is how many years of your life will you lose in the interim.

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“when the people stand up”

Go away, you clown… Did you go bail for Gemma O’Doherty?

I had several pints in a pub yesterday evening. All I had to do was a buy a bowl of (really nice) soup. Earlier, I went shopping as normal, bought food and books. All I had to do was wear a mask in the shops. No big deal.

Not being able to attend hurling matches is a pain – but not a matter of life and death.

Grow up.


Guys where are the stats about these 30 dead in Galway, its an atrocious figure.

It’s bizarre the gaa is allowed go ahead without testing players regularly.

Soup with pints seems very wrong.


I’d have a Guinness with a seafood chowder


Would that not infringe their constitutional rights?

Blah, blah, blah…

Just to be clear: I think all pubs should be allowed, with provisos, to reopen. There should be limited crowds at sports events. Was talking to a friend yesterday afternoon, a publican, when I was in his place for lunch. He was saying he had been in the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre the day before – and reckoned there were 20,000 people there.

The thing that is freaking out a lot of people? That defeating this pandemic will take eschewing what many people (and plenty here) value as a badge of identity: selfishness.

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Era I’m not saying it should or it shouldn’t but how the medical people that seem to be running the country don’t have a problem with it seems unusual to me particularly without testing anyway.

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Ffs. Taking suicide as a rhetorical gambit is the pits.

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“the medical people”

Ffs. Are you back in Senior Infants?

The sheer childishness of people is all too believable.

Yes I am.

Well, you just proved it.

You are like the Ger gilroy of tfk posters.


Thats not even proper health advice. The €9 food stipulation was only brought in to help restaurants that operate on a pub licence. The public probably would have accepted that but the government’s natural instinct was to lie and treat the public like children by calling it health advice. And of course you are entirely happy to be lied to and treated like a child and you say the real children are peopme who aren’t happy to be treated like that. You are fucking pathetic.

You’re probably never going to see a hurling match in the flesh for the next five years, or if there’s any reprieve on that it will be incredibly brief before cases spike again and the restriction is reintroduced.

And for fucking what?

But you can manage be a happy person while being treated like this so anyone who complains about it is a child. What a waste of a human heartbeat you are.

Edit: and BTW I have no problem with facemasks.


Flesh that out.

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Can you send me the link?