NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Someone posted a graphic with similar figures a few days back

He’s like a seagull following a trawler.

The medical experts think this is an incredibly dangerous virus. The twitter experts think its an incredibly dangerous lockdown.

The vast majority are just ploughing on and doing what they can and are undocumented.

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Lives v Lives

cc @Tim_Riggins

Economics v Eco No Micks


Using hearsay suicide stats to prove some point in this debacle is lowest of the low stuff, generally when questioned we hear the old ‘they aren’t recorded as suicide’ line. Looking for a victory in that after 6 months is fairly lame


It is simply not acceptable for a person to say that they are happy not going out past 11:30 in the evening so they don’t care if anyone else has the right to or not. Such a person is a bad citizen. That is the real selfishness in Ireland today. And a society of such people will eventually get what it deserves.

You say that you’re happy being a conservative. You’re a conservative when it suits you. You had no problem sleeping with, you claim, thousands of women, which s not a typically conservative lifestyle. I wonder what NPHET would say about such a lifestyle? You are now trying to stop people younger than you being out past midnight.

It’s completely indefensible.

By way of general comment, I’ve spent my entire life listening to members of your generation moaning about how awful life was in the 1980s, the horrors of having to learn Peig in school, the Catholic Church on your back, etc. You are preventing any young person from going out past midnight. Realistically this will go on for years and if any young person complains they’re called selfish and a snowflake. You’re a generation of complete parasites and hypocrites and I will never, ever forgive you. I don’t care if that’s petty or divisive, at least it’s forthright, straightforward and honest, which is of far greater moral value than anything you have said.


I could never understand that attitude, I thought Peig was a great book

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From kk. Needs a full bladder.

This is taken as read by many on here.

“such a lifestyle?” One could nearly become invertebrate with laughter…

You win all the prizes for the most nutty and most warped post ever on this forum. Congratulations. You had plenty of competition – not least from yourself.

The 1980s were great, by the way, especially if you were goodlooking and girls told other girls about the size of your mickey.

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Was that so they wouldn’t feel threatened?


Stick to the mushrooms. Your dubious attitude towards women has been evident on several occasions – and was noted by plenty people.

Now, do not be annoying me with fey shite.

It’s quite dangerous to be reporting made up suicide numbers as fact. These are difficult enough times without this sort of stuff being put out there.

If we lived in a decent society some minister or health person would have gone and put bit of thought into the plight of young people going forward. We could be living as we are for a few years to come yet and it’s not sustainable for youngsters - they need to socialize. All we’re doing now really is forcing them into houses and sheds and the likes… We’re just living and reacting day to day and that’s been our problem with this virus from the off.

I’d have certain coffee shops or pubs youth only … maybe u25 or there abouts. Layout strict guidelines and ensure they are being well kept to. Reduce tax on alcohol in these venues so they can be sold cheaper - but at the same profit to the barkeep - the idea is to give/entice young people to socialize somewhere where they are monitored - pubs were too pricey and out of fashion with most young people pre-covid as it was, so if you want them to socialize responsibly you have to cater for them.

It would be horrible to have late teens /early 20s have to give up 2/3 years of their youth - that we all took for granted. But the playing field has changed and they also have to do their part - being young cant always be their get out of jail card. But we should certainly do something to help them rather than tut tut as they gatehr in houses and the likes — shur it’s like asking the scorpion not to sting the frog.

-That was just loose rough talk off the top of me head before you cunts pile in.


Good post.
Who knows how any of us would have reacted to this as young men, i think it has become a hell of a lot more tolerable now that the real fear of killing your granny propaganda that was spread at the beginning has been tempered significantly. It’s clearly not the same as it was but nobody is denying them the right to gather in groups, going mad (like you want/need to at a young age) seems to be frowned on and getting your hole is probably a bit more challenging.
Times are tough but they’re not being sent off to the western front either, we’ve had to adapt before and it’ll happen again. They’re challenging times, what they’re being asked to do is worsened by the narrative that it’s all a ‘cod’, if more people were dying it wouldn’t be considered much of an imposition, if we hadn’t acted as we did would much more people have died? Chicken and egg


In all seriousness … there must be young lads home bollixed from pulling the hammer off themselves …

Heading into winter now where there will certainly be more indoor congregations

I think you are wrong here tracksuit. Many I know are far more frustrated now than ever before. I guess there was a novelty factor at the start. Many hadn’t been at home for extended periods and it was in many ways a break From the real world but since the loosening of the belt I think it’s really hit people my age things won’t be the way we knew them for a long time.