NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’m not sure about this at all. Every generation thinks their youth are terrible. I think teenagers to mid 20s folks in Ireland today are more caring and engaged with social justice than my peers ever were (early 40s now). They may be a bit of a pain in the hole because of it but what can you do. But sure that’s just my view.


They are more aware of social issues alright — but having dealt with them for three years at college - and maybe I just saw the special cases more frequently than others - entitled would be the word I’d certainly use.


I’d say that is true from my experience as well.

There is a confidence there which previous generation generally lacked but it can spill into naivety

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Growing up in the late 80s and 90s was fucking outstanding. I’d change it for nothing or nowhere.


@Tim_Riggins Whats he saying here, that it was a massive mistake to close the pubs?

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Who is this guy Laz? Can I have a link to this video?

That is the governer of Florida Ron DeSantis. My South beach affiliates tell me he’s wrong on many issues but 100% correct and true on this. Google him on twitter and I’m sure you’ll find a link

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Is that the kk version of village people mate?



Operation ‘warp speed’!

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Boris got some battering in the Commons today from Sir Kier and the Speaker

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Even Ian Blackford getting in on the act here

Cc @myboyblue

Where does Susan McGalway get her information from?

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Thats incredibly wreckless. the perpetrator needs to be tracked down and CANCELLED.

She/her (d) it?

Worked out well for big phil

one rule for them, and one for the little people, the Dominic Cummings and Clifden saga rolled into one