NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Great stuff from ex Wallabies coach Alan Jones


That’s powerful.


New York testing and positive tests graphed over several months. Positivity rate of around 1% which is in the margin for false positives. Hospitals are continuing to empty with the virus.


It’s interesting then that places like Madrid which I think were hit hard the first time around, are now seeing a rise again?

Yeah that is interesting alright. Worth watching how it plays out the next few weeks there.

New York City up to 27% with antibodies vs. 10% in Madrid might be one factor.

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9 months into this and they still seem to actually know very little about the virus.

Anders Tegnell and the Swedish Covid experiment | Free to read - via @FT

Damning. Any follow up to this?

Yeah Ireland’s policy of introducing rules that the can’t and don’t intend to enforce is really working out well.

Yeah but that sort of fact doesn’t suit Tim.

What fact? See below on it.

Operation Moonshot should be no bother to the Brits :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I am still not sure whether this is a real news report or some form of a brass eye-esque satire


Utah! Utah! Utah!

I can’t breathe :joy: not sure if that was my favourite or the child molester bit

I liked the headmaster at the end. ‘They started protesting then we went out to ask them to leave and then they tried to storm the school building…!’

Just updating my Twitter bio now

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All white and all bonkers.

Utah Saints.

Any excuse to post the best music video ever again.