NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

John Bull is gone back into hiding

Back in under the bed.

John Bull was laughing at Paddy only last week. He’s not laughing anymore

Not really. Just another in a series of utterly bizarre rules made up on the hoof which most people will ignore.
No groups of more than six unless you’re
On public transport
At work
At school
At the gym
At a restaurant
In the pub
Etc etc.
It’s classic Boris.
He’s too dim to make any informed judgement and too cowardly to actually act on reasonable advice.
His entire career has been doing his damnedest to run with the hare and the hounds.
He’s hence locking down, but not locking down.


Oz seems to have gone buckwild with the under the bed stuff, Victoria anyway. People let out for an hour a day, permission needed to leave the country etc keeping up with the ahernes?

Yup. One of the problems in Australia is that States don’t really raise money but spend it. The Premier wants to look like a great boy, after they messed up in June.

Mother of Christ

Could you imagine living in that hellhole.

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The living the dream brigade must be struggling.

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Curfew raised from 8pm to 9pm :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Although they are allowing people to leave their homes to access medical services so not all bad I suppose.

They’ve lost the plot completely

COVID is a fantastic new way for the woke crew to virtue signal


Melbourne is a lovely spot but the Aussies are always complaining about it being a police state, even before this started. My mate in St Kilda, Melbourne says that he gets stopped at checkpoints and breathalysed about every 2 weeks there. The problem with this shit is they’ll really enforce it. It won’t just be a joke like in Ireland.

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I was in St Kilda before on the weekend of the Grand Prix and I couldn’t walk 50 yards without a prostitute offering me her services.


There’s a very high cost of living.

Could you not give her the slip?

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Persistent wasn’t she?

You must have had some dose of blue balls

They’ve lost it completely