NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


Some poor cunt on minimum wage has to put up with your shit everytime you get a coffee

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He has to call something out, off his nose.

As long as it makes you feel good about yourself I suppose

Swedish murderers


They have murdered more granny’s than Stephen Ireland


I’m morto for our Swedish expert @backinatracksuit after watching that.

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No masks. No lockdowns. Their cases must be ten times as high as ours

Thanks pal

The bodies must be piling up on the streets over there. This is an outrage.

Why aren’t they all keeping over dead?


This wan is Russian lads, dont trust her!

Fifth highest number of deaths in the eu. Pretty bad alright. Three spots ahead of Ireland which is down one spot to eighth.

Must be all nations who had no lockdowns ahead of them?

Any analysis done on age profiles before it hit? I read before that Sweden would’ve had a high percentage of very old people who were in the waiting room anyway as it was crudely put, same in the UK and Italy. I would imagine there would be loads of analysis and scientific research put into this area given the cost of lockdowns.

That and ones whose health systems were overwhelmed, you can see from the list yourself if you give it a look.

I don’t know what analysis has been done where. I do know that some of the countries that did best are the ones that have older populations and acted quickly to protect them. Greece said this was a factor in its actions. Ireland has a young population overall but still did very badly. Although I don’t know whether the average age of the population is as relevant as the proportion of people in their 80s. Maybe you can check if any analysis has been done on that.

Sweden had 3 times the population of OAPs than Ireland iirc

No, they are murderers

We shouldn’t look at what they did at all and even if there are some lessons from it, those Swedish murderers are much better people than us so we couldn’t hope to replicate it

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Sweden make a bags of their nursing home situation, much like ourselves. Nursing home deaths account for approximately half of their total deaths. It’s certainly an aspect of their response to the virus that they got completely wrong (as many nations did, including ourselves).

Aside from that, I would think they have by far the most sustainable model for living with the virus in the EU. It’s a model that we should be looking a but no, we’ll insist on pointless county limits, keeping our hospitality sector closed, mandating masks everywhere (half of them just covering the mouth only) and making hundreds of thousands unemployed (and unemployable given the business they work in is shut).

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