NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Please god

there needs to be deaths, a lot of deaths

We have only had 280 cases here in total. Not a single death. Same story largely throughout Mekong Region. Case numbers are low due to societal/environmental factors rather than governmental planning. Fortunate from covid health perspective.

Despite this schools have only just reopened after six months of closure and children go to school every second morning. Class sizes are 45+ here and government are not allowing children to mix in such numbers. Learning loss arising from pandemic is huge with high % of parents who are illiterate and lack of internet/tv. A very big increase in school dropouts already with many children now not completing primary school. Impacts on that for Cambodian society longer-term will be significant. Tourism is down 98%. 32% of our GDP is tourism related and garment industry down significantly too.


That’s horrendous.

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A small price to pay to extend the lives of rich old sick people.


If there were more deaths from protests than from Covid19 that would be a problem for Archbishop Tony.

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That can’t be right, it was confirmed on the other thread that the WHO are not against lockdowns.

Mcdonkey has been advising mccron based on this prediction

Wave a dó

Wave hello and say goodbye.

We tried to make it work, you in a face shield
And me in a mask, but it just wasn’t me,
You’re used to wearing less,
And now your life’s a mess, jobs so insecure you see,
I put up with all the screens,
But this is one year that’s not goin’ to be played my way

Take your hand sanitiser off me, hey,
It’s full of methanol, you see,
And take a look at my zoom quiz, for the last time,
I never knew you, you never knew me,
Wave hello goodbye,
Wave hello and say goodbye
Wave hello and say goodbye

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Were we all wrong about it being a cod and the Irish government and NPHET overreacting I wonder? I’m starting to think I might have been anyway.

Deaths are still very low. I don’t think it’s a cod just a massive over reaction since it started. Very hard to walk back from we destroyed the country to save ye and then let it run rampant afterwards no matter what the numbers are saying. If we knew then what we know now. I don’t think we’d have locked down in the first place at least not half as much, but people are terrified of it now so the only logical thing for politicians to do is lock it down again


But definitely a lot of us here were criticising the Irish government and NPHET as particularly over reacting. I’m not sure if you specifically were but Id be surprised if you weren’t. It does seem like that element of it was wrong and they were ahead of the curve if anything.
Do you think there’s any chance you could have been totally wrong? I’m willing to admit I might have been anyway

I think it’s too early to tell anything yet. All the signs are this is not any way as bad as they thought initially. We need to know how many of these people are dying of covid vs with it. But they won’t say

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Rule number one on The INTERNET: Never admit to being wrong.

It was faux humility by me to try and lure him out

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In all seriousness though the Irish government being these uniquely stupid bunch of cunts in thrall to some medical dictatorship. You must admit that was wrong now most of Europe is going into full lockdown :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

But look how long it took them and how much higher cases were.

French population is 13x that of Ireland roughly yet their highest daily case rate was around 70x that of Ireland’s before they were prompted to take these measures.

In the 26, it’s a case of a basketcase health service that could collapse under any sort of mini surge.