NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You can’t praise Sweden on here

The rational reason to oppose lockdowns is not because Covid is a cod. Covid is a serious disease and has a high mortality rate for certain subsets of the population and those subsets need to be protected/protect themselves. Rational opposition to lockdowns is based on the relative threat from Covid compared to the threat of economic collapse, other health issues going undiagnosed and untreated, the impact on children and young people, mental health, etc.

Younger age groups have essentially decided this is a cod though, based on the fact that for >99% of them it is no worse than a mild cold and they are not willing to put their lives on hold any longer. That’s the dynamic that has changed and driven this second wave.


Closing down a continent for something that kills about 1 in 500. It’s a joke. The fear of the modern politician. The French Revolution is dead or dying.

@balbec what are those photos of Warsaw in the main Covid thread?

Dunno what his point is with that graph. They all look like that.

I cant believe I wasted my one (4 hourly) post on the main thread on an emoji to Dan

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The anti abortion protests

@Tassotti :open_mouth:

Utter bollox. Boris is an utter wanker. A cowardly self serving snivelling fat cunt of a man.


Boris giving his pick on Galway/Wexford at 5 live on Sky News

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Boris having trouble picking a winner by the looks of things

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Big rioting in Barcelona tonight. I’ve been sent some good videos.

Boris looks and sounds like a broken man

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Has it gone wrong in Sweden? The cases are through the roof and they’ve introduced local restrictions. Tegnell is worried.

I doubt it

Tegnell seems to think otherwise

That publication has zero credibility as it ran another headline “Sweden took a gamble with it’s herd immunity strategy” Sweden did not have a herd immunity strategy, if it had then no measures would have been in place to limit transmission. Sweden had what I would describe as sensible measures, emphasizing social distancing, limiting size of events, etc.

As to your original point, based on cases being through the roof everywhere in the western world is fucked, and for the same reasons.

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