NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Back for the victory lap I see :clap: :clap:


All we need to do is reposition the country thousands of miles away from the nearest landmass. It’s that simple but watch as Leo still does nuhin

Welcome back mate, the pro lockdown crew have taken an awful beating in your absense.

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The only absentee poster in recent weeks who was truly missed :clap:

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@mikehunt waited under the bed for six months until enough people had died in Sweden.

Welcome back pal.


God they must be going SO much worse than all the lockdown nations?

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There should be a zinger about NZ shortly

They are riddled


Great to see you back.

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Delighted to see you back, you absolute lunatic. No doubt New Zealand’s approach was right for them.

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Pick poor auld @Batigol up off the floor.

Lagom me arse

I’m younger than you

Oooooooft. @Batigol playing the Pogba to @glasagusban’s Lingaard here.

Doesn’t seem like much has really changed with that. I didn’t realise that 50+ indoor gatherings were allowed still.

Thanksgiving cancelled