NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

6:17pm before the figures were even mentioned with the preceding item even a Covid related story on Christmas travel. I found it very strange

Did you send a strongly worded email to the RTÉ newsroom?

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Nope. Was thinking more about the BAI

Sunak Sunak Sunak

up the Tories, there will be some fiddling going on now

lads made redundant a few weeks ending up back on the books :sweat_smile:

Just to get brexit over the line I’d imagine.

Its in Boris interests to keep Brexit on the agenda as long as possible. Its all hes got, meanwhile the UK if collapsing all around him

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Not true. He’s got another missus who hates him, his problems with money and alcohol and all his alimony payments not to mention Dominic’s hand up his arse.

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This is also true. That Carrie Symonds one isn’t an enemy you’d want.

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Ignoring the free man/woman nonsense the number of police at the scene of this seems OTT. You’d hardly get that called to any other non violent crime

Coming soon to a lockdown near you

Joe is our saviour

Edit Wrong Fred


New Zealand’s approach appears to have been the correct call after all. Minimal fatalities, 40,000 at sports grounds and a vaccine on the way. Tourism to bounce back within the year.

They’ve even legalised euthanasia to get the mentallers on board.


Look who the cat dragged in.

You’re still mental but I’ve given it a like because of returning to the fold with your resolve unbowed.