NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

On a global basis you have countries that are actually counting cases and deaths now, like India, Brazil, Mexico, etc. For the comparison, stick to western Europe and the US (by state), where we know the reporting has been fairly consistent since March.

So the almost 1.5m deaths could be considerably higher as underdeveloped countries weren’t counting?

Early lockdowns definitely worked in keeping a large majority of the population from getting infected. But the argument against lockdowns is that population of susceptibles are a huge pool of infections waiting to happen if you try and open up. So if you lockdown, you have to stay locked down until there is an effective vaccine and you can distribute it widely.

There is also the appetite people have for lockdowns, as time went on that appetite became zero for younger demographics, especially once they figured out that Covid was no big deal for them.

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I would say so, unless we believe the virus didn’t go to those countries. @balbec might have an input, Poland had extremely low numbers of cases and deaths up to October and now has some of the highest numbers in Europe.

so they protected the old and vulnerable in April and not now. Or else they just didn’t count them as covid deaths because they weren’t testing ?

Polands excess mortality is gone off the charts

A bit of both I’d say. There was a hard lockdown here from March 12th and relatively low numbers of cases and deaths followed. I knew of no one with the virus until this autumn. I was saying on here from day one that no one believed the numbers because politically the Government wanted to downplay the virus and ensure that the Presidential election went ahead in May. Eventually, they were embarrassed into postponing it from May to July. I had heard of cases where people dying of C-19 were classified as something else in that period. Then from September we have seen the surge in cases. 60% of the fatalities are aged 60+. 40% are 70+. There were 670 deaths here the other day and 150 of the victims had no pre-existing conditions, which is quite a high and alarming number. Now the number of tests has been reduced but we are still hitting 15k cases a day. That’s about 10k a day less than two weeks ago when the Primary school kids in classes 1-3 were sent home for online classes. So fingers crossed we’ve passed the peak of the wave here but the numbers are still high.

I’d go with the latter (not being counted as Covid deaths earlier). If you look at India for example, about 25K people die every day. Back in April they were reporting less than 50 a day dying of Covid, but there was probably not much testing going on. Even today they are reporting roughly 500 Covid deaths a day, which is only 2% of overall deaths.

sure how can they test inside in the slums?

Polands all cause mortality wasn’t very high for the first wave though dude. It’s a peculiar one

Fuck it, enough covid talk. Happy thanksgiving and enjoy the football

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I’m sorry, that is an absolutely fucking ridiculous thing to say. All any small business owner wants to do is open for business and try to make their own way in their world. The LITDF crew are now pretending with a straight face to be advocates for small business, in circumstances where they’ve been absolutely clear that they have contempt for the economic consequences of their actions.

There comes a point where everyone just starts inventing crazy explanations to convince themselves about how correct their opinions are. It’s a natural part of how people’s minds work and it’s a serious trap.

But you dont suffer from it?

You’re convinced theres a global conspiracy to subjugate people

So businesses being open but people being advised to stay at home and out of those businesses is ok? Happy days

Thanks mate, plan to.

I try to have some self-awareness and curb the worst tendencies in my reasoning. Not everyone does that.

No I’m not. There is no global conspiracy to subjugate people. What is happening is that as a society and a civilisation we are making mistakes that will lead to awful and recurring limitations on human freedom. The reasoning for these mistakes is all out in the open, for example McConkey is very open about the need for a 7 year plan and that a vaccine won’t be the end of the crisis.

No, not happy days, there would be a recession and many businesses would struggle to stay in business. However most businesses have already survived through recessions before and this one would likely to end very quickly once there’s a vaccine. Almost every small business owner would prefer that to the government ordering them to shut their businesses. If you don’t understand that you have no idea whatsoever about what motivates most entrepreneurs. And frankly how dare anyone purport to speak on those poor people’s behalf.

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except you - good man

I think this is a bizarre thing to say. It’s just not true. Fair enough you prefer their approach, but don’t tell lies about it.

What am I lying about? They have an average amount of deaths compared to other European nations. They have very few restrictions.

They had one of the worst death rates in the first wave, I don’t know where they are now, and they have lots of restrictions.

And they’ve one of the lowest in the second wave.

Compared to other European countries they have very few restrictions.

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Tomás Ryan says Australia is heaven on Earth